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I am wanting to buy a CS. Got the "fever" so to speak! I use a WSM now and want to know how it compares, capacity wise, to the smokette. Also I have read that the lowest grate level is too close to the element to be used with much sucess. Is this true? Is there a waiting period when you order a smokette, or are they "on the shelf?" Enough questions for this post!

PS-thanks SmokinOkie for the invite to your forum. So much info here! Will keep me busy researchin' for awhile! I'm the one who asked "Cookshack or SmokinTex" need advise/opinions. Looks like its gonna be Cookshack for sure. I am sure SmokinTex has a good product, but I like the support I'm finding for Cookshack. Thats why I chose WSM when I was looking for a charcoal smoker, user support!

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Jim, welcome to the forum...
I bought my smokette by accident, my wife saw a report on cbs regarding the smokin tex, and I went searching on the net not knowing the name... I have had my smokette now for several months now and belonged to this forum ever since, the mistake was mine and I "lucked" into this one and could not say one bad word about cookshack service, this forum or any of its members, its a great place to learn. The lower shelf on the smoker is seldom used on my smoker because I almost never place that much meat in it, I usually start at the top and come down as I load the smoker. The brackets that hold the shelves are moveable which helps in giving room on the top shelf for thicker meat products. There is no waiting period that I know about? but a call to the customer service would confirm that, they have always been more than happy to talk to me, even when I was not buying something... which is one reason I like the product so much, the other is the ease of use and quality of results Smiler
Glad you came over Jim. You'll find that a "few" on the other forum don't like electrics, so you'll get a biased opinion, to some degree.

You'll also get input from owners that have gone through the same questions as you. It's easy enough, click on the search button, and search on Smokin Tex in "all open forums" and you'll get over 140 responses -- popular subject.

We have a few ST owners in here, but they don't tell us that too often, but all are welcome.

For capacity, the 008 smokette have 3 shelves and you can use all three. The issue being near the fire box is one of what you're cooking. Like a lot of cookers out there, you can warmer levels depending. All I do if I'm cooking on the lower level is know that it's hotter and adjust. For example, I put larger cuts of meat down there and the smaller cuts up top.

I think the dimensions are 14" x 14", times 3 shelves is about 588 sq inches.

The question would then be, what are you wanting to cook as the shape / size matters also.

Welcome to the forum. Ask away.

The owners archive and owners forum have lots of info for you also.


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