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I have offered to smoke some pork in my 08 & serve 100 people on March 30. A local Farm Fresh super market put them on sale this w/e for $.98 a lb. So I bought 7, (56 lbs) yesterday.My original plan was to buy & cook around the 27th, & hold pulled pork in Vac bags until re heat on the 30 th. But the price forced to buy early. My questions are 1) Will the butts be ok in fridge (37*) for 7 days, or do i freeze now?
or 2) do I cook now, & hold or freeze until the 30 th? or 3) any other suggestions.
Thanks for any guidance

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If they are in cryovac bags, there should be no problem holding them. If they are packed with typical supermarket wrapping you need to do something else. In the 08 you can only do 1 or 2 at a time. I would probably cook them now, pull them, cool on Ice or other way to get the heat out fast and freeze the pulled pork until needed. If you freeze the full butts now you will have to thaw them before you can cooks which adds another step and more time.
RT64 -- I agree with Rendezvous on holding in cryo vs reg grocery store packing.

For volume in your 008 you'll do better to buy 5-6 pounders and shape them to fit the smoker. You can get 4-5 of them in the 008. If you start getting 7, 8 & 9 pounders you may have trouble getting them in.

Smoking them now, pulling and freezing is ok. I did this same thing last fall for a BBQ fundraiser, about 180 people.

My SmokinTex is about the same size as your 008. Reheat your "well-sealed bags" (don't want a freezer taste) in large pots of boiling water as needed. You can zap em in the microwave but I feel that the nuke method changes the texture of the meat, just my own opinion.

Good luck!

You might also consider posting this question on the commercial forum to get answers from the caterers. The problem with refrigerating the bags from the butcher that long is that your pork might start developing a slime even in a cryovac.

In another thread, I've seen suggestions to cook now then freeze whole. A couple of days before you need them, defrost in the refrigarator. Then reheat in the oven to about 140-150 take out and pull with plenty of finishing sauce.
Hey neighbor, Welcome to the Forum. Didn't know there were members in the area. nice to know I'm not the only one in the area.
I'm not sure the $.98 per lb was such a good deal,after smoking in my 08 I only had 40 % left to freeze. The 10 lb butt cooked down to 4 1/4 lbs. I dont remember that big of a loss in the past, mosdt loose 40 to 50%.

the standard rule of thumb on yield used to be 50% loss. anymore that is out the window with all the injecting going on. smithfield gives me a 60% yield now but other stuff is all over the charts from 40% to 50% due to what ever they are enhancing with. so i just stick with smithfield and fill the freezer when i see it.
on cyrovac packs look for a date. the date given is when you either have to cook it OR freeze it. a lot of people don't understand that and if you look in the discounted meat bin on occasion you can find cryo that is reduced but is safe to freeze and cook later. can save you some major bucks there.
almost left out one other thought. have you given picnics a try? they are normally 10 to 15 cents a pound cheaper than butts and for us make a better product, much juicer and better yield. just a thought
Thanks for the tip. The Smithfield packing plant is less than 30 miles from my house & their products are readily available. I don't think I got a good deal with that much loss. 60% loss works out to $2.45 per LB finished product opposed to $1.63 LB for 40 % loss. I guess the old saying about something being too good to be true , it probably isn't.

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