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Question for the Board: I am doing 2 pork butts and a brisket for a birthday party in a couple of weeks. The party will be on a Saturday I was thinking of cooking the pork butts Thursday night into Friday Morning and then pull and seal a meal them and refridgerate(not freeze) and then reheat in boiling water on Saturday. The butts weigh about 8 lbs each. If I cook them at 250 all the way, approximately how long should it take? I was also considering putting a small catch pan under each one to catch the drippings and after pulling, seperate the natural juices from the grease and adding the Juices back into the pork. As for the Brisket, I am going to cook it Friday and try to have it finish around 6 AM on Saturday, leaving me a 4 hour window to cook s3 sides of spares. Any opinios, comments or suggestions appreciated. Also any suggestions on cooking the butts and brisket at thesame time would be appreciated. (placement in smoker, time, temp etc.) I have an Amerique. Thanks in advance!! One last thing, I will need to FTC and transport these items about a 1.5 hour drive
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Originally posted by Big Frog:
I was also considering putting a small catch pan under each one to catch the drippings and after pulling, seperate the natural juices from the grease and adding the Juices back into the pork.

Your juices will/could have a strong smoke flavor, most cooks that I know that want to save juices like this will actually foil the products at some point during the cook and use the juices from the foil. I would guess these juices will not have as much smoke flavor.
I've done two butts & a brisket at the same time in an 020, with an Amerique you should still have two shelves open for the ribs. I'd do them all at once. As for FTCing, shouldn't be a problem. Your butts & brisket will stay HOT for at least 4 hours. Ribs might cool off, but then just throw them on the grill for a few minutes on each side and sauce them if you like.

And like cal says, the drippings will be VERY smokey. Made the mistake one year of using the dripping from a turkey to make the gravy. Won't be trying that again.
Thanks for all the info guys. I think I am going to throw everything but the ribs on at 10 AM Fridday @ 225 and let her go until 6 am. Sat. Will check internal temps then and throw on the ribs. That will give me until 10 am (a full 24 hours for the butts and brisket to cook if needed if not will FTC when @ 200 degrees internal temp Does this soundlike a workable plan?
You didn't say what kind/size on the brisket?

If I were to cook the PB's at 225*, they would be done around 193-5* internal temp. I check by sliding a probe into them, like it to slide in and out with no resistance.

If you FTC them together with the brisket, you may get some carry over cooking, yep experience is talking on that part, oh well! You can vent them for a few minutes before putting in the cooler to help with that part.

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