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Anyone here attend the FEC cooking school? Is it worth the time and money? I have a chance to go. I have cooked on Traegers for years and am getting the times and temps down on my new FECs. I have not competed in years but still remember how.There is always something new to learn but is this course too basic?
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Been to both of the first two and I think if you read through the forums, you'll find posts about both of them.

Check with the Firehouse BBQ gang, they all flew up here last year from Florida to attend.

If you want to do better and especially if you want to improve your competition scores, the class is well worth it. Even a few who attended who didn't own FE's still said it was worth it.

Taught by FE and Pau Schatte (Head Country II..more than a few GC's this year).
It was a lot better than the "other" class taught by a member of royalty around these parts, IMHO.

I wanted my money back from the other class, and I would do the FE class again in a heartbeat.

It is worth the time and effort, and I have made a couple of good new frinds as well, so that is an added bonus as well
You cook on the FEC s,you get to compare notes with about 25-30 FEC cooks,ask direct questions from service and management,enjoy fine meals and refreshments,interact with all the folks you may encounter on the phones.

Tour the plant and see the why and wherefors of putting them together.

Have a day and night with several legendary cooks,that are amazingly willing to answer any questions.

Get lots of takehome products and materials.

Get to practice with rubs and spices,that work well around the country,be critiqued by top winning cooks.

Have an instant national network to pull from.

Learn the secret handshake.

Maybe meet Donna,if she comes out of semi-retirement.

FireHouseBBQ can directly attribute much of our winning to the class and the people involved with it.

Might call CS. It's usually a night before meeting/dinner and then an all-day the next day class. You'll definitely need to travel in the day before, coming from Florida. You can fly into OKC or Tulsa (and give me a shout) and drive to Ponca. It's less than 2 hours north. Ponca has an airport, but it's really small.
I plan on attending. I asked Erin about the closest airport and she said that Tulsa, Oklahoma City and Wichita are all about 2 hr drives and I should fly into whichever one I could get the cheapest tickets. In my case it is Tulsa. When I get the specific landing and departure times, maybe I could split a car rental with someone else with a similar schedule.
I am looking forward to it. I just got my FEC this week and everyone I have talked to who took the previous classes said that they learned a lot and it was well worth the cost.

I went to the first class, it was definitely worth the time and expense of flying from California and taking the class. I flew into Wichita, drove to Ponca City (it was weird driving on roads with so little traffic, being used to Southern California gridlock), it was at Stuart's property, teaching was great, learned a lot, met a lot of great people, toured the Cookshack plant - again, you won't regret going.

Some pics are at my web page.

I went to the first FE class, in Nov, and the KC "royalty's" class in '99.

Both helped alot, in different ways.

I would like a class geared for production/food service, for those of us not doing competition, although I do reference my FE notes, regularly.

It was neat putting a face with the names on the Forum.

The Mexican place had $.99 margaritas.

Tom C.- I should take you down one of our local township gravel roads where we see 10 cars/day, including the mailcarrier, creamery truck, and school bus. We drive about 40 mph with our arm out the window, and yes, we wave to everyone.

It sure won't be like Florida.

Dec in Oklahoma will be cool to cold (20 to 40 degrees) and probably lots of wind (you know the song...where the wind comes sweeping down the plain).

Depending on the "location" we were in Stuarts Barn for the first one and even with heaters it was chilly. Not sure about the location.

Just check in a week or two out and we'll see what the final details are and the weather.

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