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I bought some Country Style Pork Ribs (sliced pork butt) at Sam's today. I did a FIND on the Forum to review some smoking approaches but wasn't finding a lot of cooking temp and meat temp discussion.

I was thinking about covering with a little dry rub, smoking at 225 until the largest rib hit around 165, covering in BBQ sauce, and then smoking until meat was at 190. I have a SMO25.

Does this sound like a good approach?

BTW, I've had my smoker for about 2 years now and use it almost every weekend. I've had a couple friends buy units after they've sampled what comes out of them. I enjoy reading the forum and appreciate the tips you can pick up.
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Found 4 pages of results. No info there?

Search in Rib Forum on "country style"

CSR isn't always PB ribs, but most places I think they are. The problem is that as thin as they are, and all that meat exposed, that they can dry out.

I dont like them.

Guess I'm biased. Not sure how well they will do left to the smoker for the full time. The fat on the outside will render and the meat will tend to dry out. You might thing about sauce then foil at that time if you really want tender.

Any of your CSR fans out there want to jump in?
My .02 ...

I think they do best on a grill. Sear 'em first over the coals with some moistened wood chunks/chips...about 5 minutes a side (depending on thickness...I like 'em about 1" thick) Then offset them, rotating closest/farthest from coals for about 20 minutes. Basically, I treat them as I would thick pork chops.

Thanks for the reply! I didn't mean to infer that I din't find anything when I did the search. There was a lot of great info., as always. It's just I didn't see anything on the approach I was thinking.

The reason I bought the CSR is my wife wanted me to try them. If I ever want to move up in the Cookshack line I want to keep her happy.

I'll try the smoke first and foil with BBQ to finish tomorrow.

Sunday were having babybacks and beans from the SM025 while we watch the Packer victory.
The reason I bought the CSR is my wife wanted me to try them. If I ever want to move up in the Cookshack line I want to keep her happy.
Yes. Wise choice.

One of my co-workers is a 020 owner. He doesn't frequent BBQ sites so he doesn't know all the things you shouldn't try. He tells me that CSR are his favorite goto smoke when time is short. I don't know his technique tho. I do know he's a known acomplished cook so I trust him when he says they come out good.

So.. let us know what you discover.

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