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No, we don't take credit cards. People don't even seem to expect us to. I have never had anyone even ask. I do have some that ask about taking a personal check though. I usually take them on locals. I can hunt them down if they bounce! Smiler But even those that ask about checks are few and far between.

I think that processing fees would be an issue. Time involved in making a transaction would be another issue. We have lines of people at times and running a credit card would slow us down way too much.

In general the hassle factor would be too great for us and people just don't seem to expect it.

Take care!
we are like kate. cash on the barrel head. personal checks we don't accept except on custom orders.
our experience is also very similar to kate's in that we have had only one question about credit cards and just a hand full on checks.
what we do however run into quite a bit is some one trying to break a 50 on a small purchase like drinks. this sends up a red flag as 50's are the most common bogus bills according to our bank down here so unless the purchase is in the 30 to 40 area we will not accept those.
since we are already taking the extra hit on sales tax that rootsman brought up in the link kate gave and to take an extra 2 or 3% hit for cards makes it too pricey for us.
Hey Jack,
Do you get this: Vendors getting a glass of tea, a can of soda, least expensive item on the menu just to get change for their booths? They usually hit us with twenties. I try to keep in mind who they are and go back to their booth and buy something for a dollar and give them the twenty back! Smiler

I think they hit us because we probably look like we do more dollar business with drinks than anyone else. Some days I have a stack of ones and others I can't keep them in the drawer.

I think the Coffeebbq fellow also takes cards. But then I also believe he is stationary.

man (oops sorry gurl) are you sure you dont live in florida??!! yep we get that and it comes from the artsy fartsy art dealers mostly. still can't figure that one out. they have card swippers and that sort of thing. peg will change 20's if she can and if she can't then it kind of upsets them. only thing i can figure out is they come with very little or no cash and then expect the other vendors like rita the fish lady or the cake guy to be their bank. oh and the best part is these people are vegetarians and begged us to do veg entree. did it for peg just show she could see all these years as a chef i wasn't exagerating about what a whining lot they are. took 4 weeks and peg said man i just never knew!!!!!
you are right coffe is stationary. nice operation too.
ps. almost forgot the best part!!!!! they just demand change!!!!! they never buy!!!!! why oh why did i marry such a nice girl 35 years back??!! Roll Eyes i remeber why!!! cause she is smater than me lol!!! spels guder 2
Jack, That's Mon, (or gurl is good). Smiler

Like you, most of the time I am in the cooking end of the deal, but I do get to "mon" the window at times. I didn't know that this money monkey business was going on until last week. I had one come and buy tea and pay with a twenty, a vendor. Then another came, same thing. I mentioned it to Patrick and he chuckled. He then told me it goes on each week. It was his idea to go and get his change back from them and I discovered he had been doing it all along.

Now I will have to say that on the whole our vendors are very nice. We feed about 95% of them too. There is a hot dog and hamburger vendor at the market, but generally, the vendors come to us. I haven't come across any Vegg-o's as yet! I do have one girl that sells spices and she doesn't eat bread. Gets her sandwich minus the bun. I get some requests for the sandwiches to be cut so they can share, which is fine with me. A bit of extra work, but no big deal. We get a few whiners and I have to watch Patrick with those because he has been known to send a nasty quip back at them. A couple of weeks ago he had a woman wanting a diet drink. He told her the diet sodas we carried and then said he had diet iced tea. We make our own with no sugar added, they can do that for themselves. Sounds like diet to me. She opted for the tea but when she saw he was getting it from the tea tank she balked! No, she didn't want homemade, she wanted it from a can! Duh, I use premium black mango tea that costs me $14 a pound, from Oregon. It is wonderful and so much better than canned. She took bottled water. The lady behind her took the tea and commented about the brightness of some people. Patrick was ready to go out the window and strangle the first lady.

We haven't had any come and demand change. Probably good for them too. Patrick is not that easy going. I think I would tell the ones that demand change that there is a service fee for that or that they may make a purchase and they will receive change. I could see Patrick sticking his head out the window and looking about, then asking, "Is there a sign here that says Bank? No, It Says BBQ not bank!" !

Peggy is a sweetheart. I agree. And, just because you don't spell perfectly all the time doesn't make you all bad! Smiler I think you are pretty much a sweetheat too! Perfect partners that compliment each other. Anyhows, I thunk you spelt purty gute.

Keep your eye on theose crafty vendors!
i was rereading your post and saw the no bread sandwiches. we starting seeing a few adkins diet people at the market and i can't remember who came up with the idea but we started offering a 4 ounce meat only. the response to it has been great. peg did tell the steady box customers that a 12 oz to go meat box was cheaper but the funny part is they have stayed with the 4 oz box even when they are buying multiples of them as it fits there diet and they are happy to have the meat premeasured. she lists it on our special board as "dieters special"
Hi folks,
I think most of you posting have mobile trailers and do special events. I have done these events in the past as well.
I just sold a restaurant that the average ticket was 8 bucks and when i started taking credit cards -they were 75% of the sales.
I would never go to a Rib cook off or fair and expect to use a credit card.
The fees would kill your already thin margins. Plus the wireless units cost even more. You have to hit minimums ect... I would not do it. Plus uncle sam can really dig into your pockets now.
I do take credit cards at my catering operation- we have no choice. A soccer mom has never heard of cash or a check. By theway I had a check bounce today that was for 16K- The company has made good on it.
On another note I have a new credit card machine I paid 2,500 (got ripped off) I need to sell it bad. Will take $1,000!!!
Good luck
getting ready to do a load of pork butts
Kenny Cool
Every now and then I get asked if I accept plactic. I only accept plastic online (paypal) and for catering orders. I occassionally accept travelers checks if its close to the bill amount. No regular checks for me ecxept for catering and at least 7-days in advance of the event.

Most people have sufficient common sense to know "cash only".

The vendors at my Farmer's Market ask nicely and I help with change if I can. No soda out f a $20 happening.
We also take Credit cards because we had lost a lot of big accounts from DR's Offices. Because we didn't deal in that transaction. We now have set up a deal thru Paypal that is either online or on the phone. It was alot cheaper this way, but you still have to pay a monthly fee and a %. So I did shop around and found this to be the best deal out there.

Good Luck,


I was surprised to hear that some of your vendors at the Market take credit cards! I guess because we are in such a ... how to put this, woodsie? area, less people, kind of layed back area, maybe not so high up on technology or maybe people just don't expect us to be in step with the bigger cities, but our vendors even in the tourist areas just don't do the credit cards. I am sure they could, but I think it is an attitude thing here. People up from Chicago, Madison or even Milwaukee don't expect us to do plastic. Sure, at the gas station or stores, but not vendors. I think our flea markets must be a bit less sophisticated than the bigger and closer to bigger cities areas.

Here again folks, it is a knowing your market thing. If your customers are consistantly asking for credit cards then it does make sense to offer the service, providing you can justify the expense. I like cash for a number of reasons. Smiler If I though credit cards were a real benefit to my business I would go that way. I can see both sides to this idea. Just have to go with what works for you. The original post asked if mobiles did take them and if we had many requests for taking them. It is interesting to see the response.

Back to Jack, I only have one girl that wants just the meat. But you know, I think she did say something about Atkins Diet! And I have to laugh, her Mother tells us every week that she is Jewish, but she orders pork over brisket every week! Another favorite of mine are the ones that order the pulled pork, cole slaw, beans and the DIET drink! Crackes me up every time!

I still haven't had anyone asking about credit cards, not one, but sure as I say that I will get asked now. Murphy's Law I think!

Best to everyone!

SmilerIMHO Macdonalds says cash only and the public is glad to pay cash. We will take personal checks from locals, otherwise cash. If they are short on cash I just say pay me next time. I tell them they will have to keep track of it because I won't. I have never lost a cent. Don't get me wrong, I do not make a policy of extending credit as such. I've tken CCs in the past and found it only costs money. Keep stokin and smokin.
We will take a credit card for orders over $30 . Anything under $30 gets a $3 service charge tacked on to their total. We take a swipe machine right to the farmers market.

We also take checks. Can only remember 1 bad check in 8 years.

Internet sales are different. Beware of the scam artists in cyberspace. We carefully check all cards before we ship. We get many bogus card numbers there. Many can be easily spoted. New customers with $300 orders are pretty laughable. Big red flag goes up.

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