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Welcome H1.

I don't know Tom, do you think a 50 series will handled 40 to 75 people. You're right though, it would be labor intensive. It does have 5 shelves. You could probably do it if you orchestrated it correctly and he did say it would be once a week.

But there are a lot of things you could do, I guess.

Guess you could do 3 or 4 briskets. Or 4 or 5 pork butts. But ribs...we'll you won't be able to do enough in one batch to keep 75 people happy (4 ribs per, 13 ribs per rack, you'd need 25 racks or so).
That's what I was thinking.

One of us zealots would do it for the love of Q,but with the management and labor-I'm not sure you could just hire it done.

The cost of longnecked adult beverages would have to be figured carefully into your labor and hospitalization costs.

If the menu was a couple 20 lb. shoulder clods[less waste than the brisket],pork butts , sausages,chickens that could be done in two runs and finished with sauce under the broiler.

After about the third week,a lot of the fun might go out of it. Wink
Many thanks for the discussion. I could have made it easier by being more specific—but I am new at this. Looks like the 50 will work well for large pieces, not so well for ribs and chicken. That is okay for my operation. I am thinking about starting ribs in the 50 with smoke, then transferring to my larger cook and hold oven to finish. I could do the same with chicken, but I am told that you can substantially increase the chicken capacity of the 50 if you add a whole bunch more time. Any comment on that?

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