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Originally posted by Phillip T.:
I cannot find Mortons Tender Quick Meat Cure in New Mexico. Amazon is out of stock. Is there a substitute?

Try the Morton Salt web site
I bought directly from them some time back. Problem is I had to order 3 pounds. Eventually I'll use it up. If you were closer to NY State I would give you some
Edit Here is a link to the On-line store
I dont use TQ, I use a simple method on our smoked salmon. Find a tupperware container long enough to hold the whole fillet. Mine is wide enough to hold 2 fillets. I use sea salt... shake on the bottom of the container, then lay fillets skin down on top of the salt. Sprinkle more sea salt on top of the fillets... dont cover it, just be liberal. Then sprinkle some brown sugar on top, and LIGHTLY spread it around. Cover and put in fridge for 12 hrs minimum. I have gone 24 hrs. Open container and flush with LOTS of cold water. I do lightly rub the fillets, but just to remove obvious salt/br sugar. Place fillets on a rack and let air dry (in cool place) until a sticky skin (pellicle) is formed on the outside. Place in your smoker. I use apple chips... maybe an ounce. Set temp on 150-160 and let it run. I only take my fillets to 140-145, and depending on thickness, wont take real long. Remove from smoker and wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate. Enjoy!


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