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Our local Kroger store has Danish ribs on sale for $1.19 a lb (10# pack). I did a search and got a little confused. Are the Danes shorter and more meatier? I am assuming they are cooked just like B'backs...? A while back there was a concern about some kind of disease in the Danish ribs. Anyone up to par on this? If it's worth it I may buy 20# and throw em in the freezer. Can't hardly go wrong at $1.19#. Comments? TIA!
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We have Dillons here, and they are owned by Kroger. I saw those ribs as well. I didn't do the search, but would be interested as to what they are. They ran this special at least once before, and at the time, I just chalked it up to "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is". I'm kinda curious though!

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