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I just made jerky for the first time in my smokette. When I took it out I noticed it had a dark, almost burnt look, spot under where the vent hole is. I have noticed it on other things, like roasts, but it is really noticably on the smoked almonds and now the jerky.

Does any one else get this? Why is it here? How do I make it leave?

Jerky turned out okay, but needed another hour probably. The pieces with the dark spot were offtasting though.

Original Post
That's just some steam condensing on the ceiling of the smoker and washing off some of the smokey gunk. It drips from the lowest point, which is the fitting of the top vent.

Personally, altho it looks bad, I haven't noticed it to taste much different. Maybe it's time for you to scrape some gunk off the inside of your smoker? Or just put a little foil cup or tin can on the rack under the vent, leaving plenty of air space above.

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