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I just wanted to let all of you know that the December Fast Eddy's Championship Cooking Class, which is going to be held Saturday December 8th, is over half full and filling up quickly. We are only taking 40 people, so if you want in, please call me (Cayley) as soon as possible at 1-800-423-0698.

The class will be held in Ponca City, OK, and the cost to attend is $300.00, which can be applied to the cost of an FEC smoker if purchased following the class. The class will be taught by Fast Eddy and Paul Schatte (GM of Head Country Foods and of the team Head Country II). For more information on the class, click here.

We look forward to seeing all of our barbecue friends in Ponca City! If you have any questions, just let me know. I'm available at 1-800-423-0698 or my email is c_armstrong at

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