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First off, the FEC100 alone smoking at lower temps e.g. at 140-160 for 1.5 hours or so will get you a deeper smoke flavor in your meat placed in the chamber COLD; then ramp the temp up to your preference.
I have an elbow with a 36” stack and cap attached to my FEC. NOT a modification , but a requirement per the manual. FEC manual recommends a 48” stack.
Again, this was NOT a modification to the FEC100.
I put in 2- slabs of St Louis style with some rub on them, in FEC cold. The cook took much longer than usual because I was doing some testing and opened and closed the chamber door quite a bit observing performance. Here’s what I did in a test:
• FEC100 System off, I tried one of the recommendations on the forum and bought the “A-Maze-N smoker” tray and placed it in the bottom of the chamber to supplement (NOT modify)- I cold smoked for one hour.
o The tray alone worked extremely well (both ends lit)and introduced very little heat
• After a few minutes, smoke was billowing out the stack very well. Smoke was moving out the stack slowly and steadily and was whitish blue with a good aroma. Smoke concentration inside the chamber was very thick. I used oak pellets that came with the A-Maze-N smoker tray.

• FEC100 TURNED ON: the fan starts on high ; created pressure in the chamber and smoke speed visibly exiting stack increased significantly. Concentration of smoke inside the door was definitely not as thick. IMHO the forced air movement from fans in pellet smokers counters smoke penetration somewhat.. Stick burners don't have fans; smoke naturally enters the chamber and naturally circulates and slowly flows out (i.e. deeper smoking effect).

• I TURNED FEC100 BACK OFF - smoke went back to a nice slow steady pace out the stack (just like a stick burner)
o The smoker tray running alone gradually built up to moderate white/bluish smoke

• I Turned the FEC100 BACK ON; (fan high speed) ramping up to temp-combined with the tray- heavy smoke changed to medium to light smoke forcing out the stack. Smoke changed to a thin bluish.
• When FEC100 got to assigned temp; it cycled the fan down to a lower speed- smoke stack became heaviest combined with the tray smoke - smoke in chamber was definitely thicker.
When the system fan cycled back to high: again, visible smoke production out the stack decreased but supplemented with the tray was still very good.
The FEC in it’s high mode , burns pellets like an jet afterburner! You can visibly see the flame in the pot burning like a blow torch from the forced air--Smoke production decreased ( The FEC is very efficient burning pellets). During this period. Wood pellets in the pot occasionally “pop” and send very small shoots of fire pops around the bottom common in burning wood. I feel that a small screen (wired strainer ??)placed over the pots burner that could still allow the pellets to still get in , yet prevent the fire pops; may be beneficial for preventing issues.

It was beneficial doing this test opening and closing the door because those little shots of fire could have gotten in the tray and ignited the pellets in the A-Maze-N smoker tray.
Air flow inside the FEC is like a convection when the fan is high and created a stoking effect on the pellet tray ( I could see a definite brighter glowing on the pellets when the fan was on high similar to blowing on them). This combined with the “fire pops” coming out the fire pot could have ignite the tray. I believe I prevented a sure problem (thank goodness).. I covered the bottom of the tray with foil to prevent the strong airflow from affecting it and loosely covered the top of tray with foil to prevent ignition from the fire pops out the pot. Problem solved. Test Over!

Ribs at 275 for 3.5 hours with BBQ delite Charcoal pellets (new!) turned out superb! A good smoke ring produced and a noticeably deep smoke flavor but not overpowering.

Experimenting, I found that The FEC does a tremendous job by itself …There are good techniques to achieve whatever smoke depth you want with the FEC alone.

I think having control over the FEC's fan speed and ability to increase pellet input to the fire pot could improve smoke production if needed. These ideas probably have been considered..

Anyway, I think the slower the smoke circulates, the deeper the penetration but a longer smoke in the FEC100 AS IS will give same results at lower temps... However, The smoker tray was a very good supplement in this test.
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I suspect the one that uses pellets might cook too hot for cold smoking cheese. I've got the A-Maze-N smoke tray that utilizes saw dust, and it cold smokes cheese in my Cookshack Elite just fine. However, even the saw dust model throws off just enough heat that any cheese placed directly above will slightly melt and discolor. Affects appearance as it still tastes fine. Those not directly over the burn aren't affected and take on a nice smoke flavor. What's nice is there is no cold baffles or ice to fool around with.

So I guess I'm suggesting the pellet model might burn even hotter, and you may want to consider the saw dust model. A call to the manufacturer may help you decide before you purchase.
I will do a test of the tray and post a report. It's getting colld up north here so I don't believe it's gonna be a problem. There is a Youtube report that a guy posted using the tray and he was using a Traeger. I think the FEC will perform really well...Especially using the top shelf.
Cool, you tried the tray. I'm hoping to pick one up next weekend. This past weekend I was at a competition and didn't have time to get down there.

So what's your plan in the future? Cold smoke for a couple of hours and then go for it? Another option may be to put the A-maze-n tray on the lowest shelf and loosely cover with foil so that you don't worry about pellets or fat / juice extinguishing the pellets.
I have cold smoked already. It works very well. The best smoke is achieved by lighting the two ends AND lighting the middle. Yes the middle. You may have to place more pellets in there after 3-4 hours, but the smoke is very good this way. I cold smoked some ribs for an hour or so and then went to temp and they were excellent.

Ok I agree and hadn't considered placing the thing on a shelf ABOVE the firepot. THat is an excellent idea! I was not so worried about fats or juices extinguishing the pellets in the tray as much as the "fire pops" lighting up the pellets in the tray. but, you're right..with the tray on a shelf, you gotta place some loose foil over it to prevent food juices from catching fire or extinguishing the tray.

People need to realize they need to keep their FEC clean cause when that fan kicks in to get the heat up, the FEC-100 burns pellets in that pot like a foundry!!! Looking at the pot, it seems like I could melt metals on top of it ( seems like I could make jewelry and such.. Smiler....and those fire pops occassionally from pellets burning may be the reason for the FIRES that have been posted; hence a need for a screen over that fire pot.... could be a safety feature. Its just too easy for greases to ignite... Nevertheless, the FEC is excellent..but I have some excellent enhancement ideas.. I have an excellent idea that allows the FEC100 to smoke like an Amerique...with ALL the smokiness and NO moisture dumping is necesary. ALL for under 70 bucks..But this could be considered as a Mod/conversion vs supplement. BUT IT WILL WORK WELL.. If Smokin allows it, I'll post it... Disclaimer: all the above is IMHO of course. Again, GOOD suggestion (AZScott)on the shelf suggestion!!! So simple, but an excellent solution to the airflow at the deck inside the chamber around that fire pot....Thanks.
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