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Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
Originally posted by RibDog:
.... Much better range than the original ET-73.

10 feet is a better range than the original's, they were awful.

New one I've tested to over 200'

I agree with Smokin on BOTH accounts.

Thermopen for instant, very quick and very accurate.

Also, the ET-73 were a nice idea, but mine were flaky about range and losing connection. I like the ET-732's a LOT better and no longer use the 73's.

You'll find it money well spent. Both of those will help a lot as you start cooking.

The video I saw on one site had the guy with a camera, walking and it tested out to 300', so you should be fine. Get it, test it and if it doesn't call them and get another if you have too.


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