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Hey oldsarge, good to see you back - thought you'd deserted us. I'm with you - never have, never will do "social media." It is really basically anti-social and I hate what it has done to children in this country. So many one-handed kids staring into screens oblivious to anything around them. IMO, Facebook is a monstrous scam and nothing but a vehicle for propaganda for many different fringe organizations. Just my $.02. Now, back to BBQ!

Hello Jay!  I stay pretty busy on a couple of other forums.  I do check in fairly regularly but don't like the whining about prices and the like.  Or a probe was cheap and failed after a couple of years, or the folks at CS don't listen etc.   This site had always been about sharing our passion for good Q as well as asking and giving advice; maybe celebrating a birthday or sympathy when a member or family member passed.  It was just a watering hole for techniques, photos, recipes, and the inevitable failure.  Call it family. I honestly cannot remember any negative postings on the old forum.  People and times change. Sometimes not for the better.

Like anything, social sites started off rather benign and a quick way to stay in touch with family and friends. It quickly became a way to reveal ones innermost secrets to be held in confidence (but not for long when a 'friend' wanted revenge; and it got ugly with bullying between kids and some parents getting involved; and far too much unproductive time at work.  It became a way for hate to spread and terrorism.  I could go on but my blood pressure is rising.  As is Zuckerbergs wealth.  'nuff said. 

Smoking and BBQ sites remain friendly, free of politics and hate.  And are rather informative and politically sterile.  cooking/food sites like Chowhound.  And for internet security, programs from AdGuard and MalwareBytes are the ones I use and they have dedicated forums. 

Dagnabbit! My soapbox just fell apart!  

Oldsarge - I've looked at a couple of other BBQ forums but they seem so huge it is difficult to know where to begin. To be truthful, I love BBQ and I get my AQ out several times a month, but it is not the consuming hobby in my life. Cooking in general might be that, but I agree that the old Forum (and of course, the old Forum members who seem to have gone, but surprisingly pop up at a good thread!) were the heart of this CS forum. Anyway, good to hear from you and keep all us "newbies" honest here!

While I don't do any competing these days, and have dialed back on smoking in general, I do, and always have enjoyed this forum. It's always been a fairly tight group of guys and gals, eager to exchange ideas and never afraid of asking for help. God knows, we've been lucky enough to have some well seasoned pros on board. The Facebook groups I've peeked in at tend to be loaded with drama, if not knockdown brawls. 

Now that I've had a bit of experience navigating the new landscape, it's not quite as foreign as it was. 

I raise a glass of holiday cheer and toast you all with best wishes for a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a healthy New Year!

maxq - Chris 

maxq posted:

While I don't do any competing these days, and have dialed back on smoking in general, I do, and always have enjoyed this forum. It's always been a fairly tight group of guys and gals, eager to exchange ideas and never afraid of asking for help. God knows, we've been lucky enough to have some well seasoned pros on board. The Facebook groups I've peeked in at tend to be loaded with drama, if not knockdown brawls. 

Now that I've had a bit of experience navigating the new landscape, it's not quite as foreign as it was. 

I raise a glass of holiday cheer and toast you all with best wishes for a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a healthy New Year!

maxq - Chris 

Hoping all had a good year and many more to come.  Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.

I knew it. Still some of the venerable old timers (sorry, I can say that , I'm old) here! I'm very happy to see that. I really like this forum, and I try to stay engaged. I wish CS had a more robust way of dealing with the spam posts, and their customer service response here seems a bit slow, but it is better than no CS Forum at all, by far.

For all the old timer regulars with all the decades of BBQ experience, I give thanks, and for all the relative newbies like me, I say thanks and lets keep this going! Merry Christmas, or happy Holiday, whichever one you celebrate! I hope everyone's new year is better than the last, not that the last was all that bad!


Last edited by jay1924

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