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After reading the book " Peace, Love, and Barbeque", I started to wonder about something that the author, Mike Mills had mentioned in his book.
He said that when he applied rub to his pork, he would not try and "rub" it in like some people do,(myself included).
His reason for not rubbing is that he feels the rub will actually clog up the pores of the meat and keep basting liquids as well as smoke from penetrating the meat.
Of course with a CS, I never baste the meat while it is smoking but I am eager to find out if I can tell if the smoke flavor is more prominent in a butt that is just dusted with rub instead of rubbing it in.
I plan on trying this over the weekend to see if there is a difference. In the mean time are there any of you out there that has ever noticed a difference in these two methods?
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Was Mike referring to shoulder,or whole hog?

The inside of the whole hog,is often just sprinkled evenly .

Of course,the MIM guys will have shot a few gallons of injection into it.

I've never heard that theory,but he has had pretty good success.

Many folks goal,on a butt, is to get as much rub to adhere as possible-to form the bark.

Once a layer of rub,causes the butt to become wet,even more can be sprinkled on.

Some pat it a little,to be sure it is sticking.

Some make a paste,because they figure it will go into the crevices.

I don't have an answer,except,personally,I haven't noticed any difference in smoke penetration.
i got mike's book myself and truly like it.
on the rub in thing for pork i hate to admit it but i use paul kirks mustard slather and mills sprinkle method. worked ok at okeechobee.
for brisket however i dont rub it in. the method i have always used is put it on like a heavy salt and pepper and when i turn it over any excess falling off is my sacrifice to the brisket gods. and that worked ok at minneola last year.
by the way if you ever get a chance to talk to mike mills do so. he has a wealth of knowledge and doesn't hesitate to share it and he sure doesn't talk down to you. by the way myron mixon and davey are the same way. just wish i could work my nerve up to do memphis in may comps but i don't talk well lol
Thanks for the input prisonchef.
I will be attending a judging seminar in November over in Memphis and with any luck I will be able to pass the written test and become an official MIM liscensed judge.
Then I am hoping to meet Mr. Mills, and Mr. Mixon, and some of the other well knowns by going to the MIM sanctioned events and judging.
Still hoping to meet Smokin one of these days as well as Tom and the rest of the CS Forum masters.
Well, saw Mike at the Jack this weekend and said Hi, and and his daughter Amy were judging (lucky huh). The book is about STORIES and that might be one of them that doesn't have a definite winner.

Just like mustard, some do, some don't.

I'd suggest you try it and see if it makes any difference to your taste buds. Try it two ways on two butts.

I think the quantity of the rub would have as much to do with preventing smoke from penetrating as clogging the poors.

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