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I red the Rib archibe a little and the link on virtual bullet...

I now know the difference of spare ribs (It has nothing to do with the spareribs at a chinise buffet Big Grin )

but I still wonder whar are the differences between :

Babyback ribs, Loin back ribs and side ribs...

What I have is side ribs (that's what is writtten on the grocery sticker), I have around 4.5lbs...

And how many do you feed with 4.5lbs ?

Also,let me see if I get this right:

1- clean & prepare them and rub them overnight
2- smoke them @ ±225 (not over 250) for 4h and check with the "tear test" and cook back as required

3- Add BBQ sauce in last hour

a total of 5-6 hours should be OK?

Start around noon, for supper time should be OK ?

As off wood, I was wondering if a mix of Hickory, Cherry and Wine barell oak should be OK ?
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The description of babyback and loin back can be synonomously. Baby Backs tend to be ligher in wieght than loin backs only because they come from younger or smaller hogs.

Side ribs are the same as spare ribs.

With a 4.5 lb. rack, depending on the eater, it could feed 2-4 people.

In the cleaning process, make sure you skin or remove the membrane from the back of the ribs.

On rub, I apply mine about 30-60 minutes before they do in the smoker.

With the size of this rack, it could take closer to 6-7 hours to cook.

I sauce in the last 15 minutes. Any longer and you run the chance of burning the sauce if it has a sugar base.

On wood, the hickory is good. The cherry may darken the ribs more than you like. Possibly use apple wood in its place. I would not use the wine barrell oak myself as I don't know what flavor that will impart. For your few times, keep it simple.

Hope this helps.

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