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The news is in.

Our own drbbq,Ray Lampe,is in the final four for what has been dubbed America's Iron Chef Barbecue.

For those not familiar, two preselected pros and a top cookoff team faced off with an unknown cooker and an unknown meat at a major cookoff.

They were allowed to bring one item of their choice.

These were double eliminations,for top overall scores.

The four winners compete in NYC as part of their major festival,next week.

Watch for the movie later on.

The four finalists were:

Mike Davis/Lottabull
Ray Lampe[drbbq]/Bonesmoker's
Terry Black/Super Smokers
Byron Chism/

Good luck to all our friends

Tom- Fl
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It's to bad that they figured out a way to keep me out of it. I also won both of my cooks but due to the strangest scoring system every contribed for a cookoff series, I did'nt qualify to cook for the final and 25K it pays. I hope that after everyone watches the shows they will send OLN a note through there website and let them know how they feel. Maybe after that they might change things so some one else doesn't have to feel the way I do. And by the way,Byron lost both his cooks and actually finnished 3rd in his last one and got beat by the amature. Go figure that out!
I hope to get to check it out! I am sorry that you feel you got a bum deal, that would suck.
However.... I am a little offended by the remark about amatuers.(I may have taken it wrong) I was going to try to get in on THAT contest. I found out a little late and did not have the time to get in. I and my wife run a small restaurant and we just ran out of time--If you have ever ran a restaurant with yourself, your wife and one other employ, then you know where I am coming from. I am getting ready to enter my first cook-off and will be competing against some of you "pros", including Myron's team. I bet that I beat over half of them.(I will post the results)
You guy's are professional cook-off competitors. I am in the trenches---I serve the public every day and make a living doing it. A few judges versus the masses--who really wins. I think that there are alot of amatuers that can, not whip, but SPANK you guys(pros)---in a peoples choice. Please do not consider this a personal attack---it is not intended that way.
Did you ever consider that you may be "off?" It happens to all competitors.
You're going to see ALOT of new people stealing the show in years to come--it is not luck. I WILL give you this--there are A TON of UN-qualified BBQ experts popping up--I have met a few Big Grin
Sorry about the Bum Deal!
What makes you think I don't fit in your shoes? I have a small restaraunt here in KC. My wife and son and me and about a handful of employees run it. To really be frank, after that, where are you finding the time? I can't seem to get away from the darn thing. Oh yea, i still have to fit the fire dept job in to. I probably understand your situation better then anyone. We'll make you a real pro (on the circuit that is)in a short period of time if you keep hangin around here.The Civilian chalenger is what they really refer to them as and one of the guys this last weekend was a restaraunt guy.He finnished 3rd. Myron does'nt beat me very often.
You called it in the very beginning that someone would win both their contest and not make it to New York. Sorry it turned out to be you. You and Terry kept reminding me that this is a reality show. OLN will figure out that this stupid scoring system is beyond their normal viewer who struggles to understand that complex contest called NASCAR and has no interest in reality dramas. I can't figure out how Chris Lilly put this together and didn't know it was a dumb system. Whether it is a contest or a scipt, I'm sad Eddy isn't there and happy that Ray is. I hope Ray takes the 25K.
I applaude you and your family--it IS tough. As far as finding the time--I feel ya' on that one. We are actually closing for a couple of days to compete. I'm not sure that it is financially wise, but it is the only way we could make the time. I hope that I did not offend you or yours. I honestly did not mean any offense. I hope that hangin' around here does help make me a good competitor and would like to thank you and everyone else here that helps me achieve that.
Best wishes!
Yep Eddy,after being with you in Ponca City and learning about the judging that day,it was all amazing.

Most of us ,trying to follow this,assumed your two wins sent you on to NYC.

Zeb,not that Eddy ever needs anyone to speak for him,but.

For folks not following all the process,Chris selected eight cooks to be the traveling contestants.i.e. "pros"

The so called "amatuers",were accomplished pro cook teams, that were cooking that contest.

Like Fred says,there are some aspects of "reality" tv in the process.

Bill and Co.
We will be at The Blue Ridge BBQ Festival in Tryon, NC. We really feel that we can "place" --top ten-- in atleast 2 catagories. Well we did, but after the way that getting ready for the event has went we are shooting for "making back home alive."
See ya at Tryon!
is this a different contest?? pulled off the CS newsletter.

Note: Following is a press release from the Outdoor Life Network. Our own Fast Eddy (Ed Maurin) was one of the eight champion cooks selected for the prestigious Showdown.


Series Premieres Two Episodes Back-to-Back Saturday, July 23, beginning at 11:30 a.m. ET

Stamford, CT (June 28, 2005) � OLN�s new original series, All-Star BBQ Showdown, that seeks to crown the ultimate BBQ champion by pitting eight award-winning BBQ all-stars against amateur, �civilian� challengers in nine face-offs at local competitions across eight states, has settled into a new time period, moving from Sundays to Saturdays, at 10 p.m. ET/PT. The first two, half-hour episodes will premiere back-to-back on Saturday, July 23, beginning at 11:30 a.m. ET, with an encore at 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET/PT. On Saturday, July 30, the series will settle into its 10 p.m. ET/PT time period, airing two new episodes back-to-back each week. The competition will culminate in a one-hour grand finale airing August 20, where one master will emerge as the best barbecue chef in America.

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