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I was just reading through some old posts and came across the advice to put a rock in the drip pan to prevent blow away. There was also a suggestion to buy a glass pan for its weight.

Well, I'm embarrassed to admit, that after almost a year of owning my 05 and swearing at the drip pan for not fitting or moving around, I finally looked underneath. Guess what I found. There's a holder for the blasted pan that keeps it off the surface, holds it just fine and it prevents it from blowing around.

If you're still having trouble and are the second to the last person on the planet to figure it out, take a peek below.

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Hey Hook,

I see you're from Salt Lake--I'm just south of you in northern Utah county.

My dog pulled out that supid drip pan and chewed it to bits--pieces of it were all over the yard. I now use a small baking pan that will fit under narrow opening, but it's so small that it has overflowed a number of times. I keep meaning to take a trip to DI with a tape measure.

My CS55 has a stainless steel drip pan and rails to hold it in the exact location to gather all the drips, even from the door lip. The size is large enough and if it ever fills up with one smoke I'll start buying better meats. Ain't no dog I know that's going to chew it up - maybe the car crusher at the North Florida junk yard. Big Grin

Speaking of dogs and drip pans�.My dog licked up about half of the drippings from an 8 pound pork butt. Good lord, he couldn�t hold it for 3 days. They hide when they make mistakes so he went behind my home entertainment center on all of the cords. I spent Monday morning before work windexing all of my cables. Don�t be letting your dogs near the drip pans!
I just looked at my 009 purchased earlier this year and I do not have the rails to hold the pan in place. Like most people, I have a nice grease stain on my cement patio. I'm glad I'm only renting. I got the spot when it started to rain and I moved my unit over a little to be covered. I plan on making a checklist and taping it to the back of the unit. I'll have things like foil, poke hole in foil, grease pan etc.

I think Tony Bennett gets the best story award. For us older folks who know who the singer Tony Bennett is, are you sure your dogs were not making a statement about the music you listen to or TV you watch?

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