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Speaking of quackers..
I have a friend who is an avid duck hunter and I offered to smoke a bird for him sometime.

For those of you that are hunters.. how do you do your duck? I assume there is a BIG difference between the way you treat a wild duck vs domestic.. One is all red and lean.. the other kinda like a fat chicken.. white and very FATTY/greasy.

If you are thinking of smoking a wild duck,the type of duck makes a big difference.

A big fat drake mallard will smoke up a lot different than a little bufflehead. It also depends whether they are skinned or plucked (or just breasted for that mattter). You might need to smoke more than one duck to figure that out.

Having said that, fowl accepts smoke pretty readily and the actual duck meat is pretty lean so I think the general poultry times and wood amounts should work out somewhere close depending on the size of the duck.

The only way I have really liked my smoked waterfowl is in small portions either alone or with cheese on crackers. A couple chilly ones, or a nice red adds a bit as well.

I used to shoot 30-50 ducks a year of all sorts and my favorite way to eat them was scary rare off the grill with the best Cabernet in the basement. Those days are gone but I still remember.

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