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I am looking to smoke a picnic ham for Easter, and plan on doing a little testing before the fact. I noticed that SmokinOkie was talking about posting something on this but I can't seem to find it. If someone could point me to the link, or give me some hints on shoot for temp, amount of wood, ect.

Thanks, Doxie
Original Post
I'm no expert on picnics,as the better half would rather stick with butts.

Has a few more tendons,etc. and is a little "hammier"

I'll give a couple thoughts,until an expert shows up.

You can cook skin on or off.

Skin on gives you more moisture,but no bark or smoke to that area.

You can skin it and cook like a butt.

Lots of folks cook around 225� and pull around 185�.

This makes nice slices ,like a ham.

If you want to pull the pork,you can foil around 165� ,and take up to around 200� internal.

With a CS,you can probably get by without foil,but take it off a little above 190�and let rest in foil awhile.[check to see if the bone will wiggle]

You may find that if you skin it, after several hours cooking,the skin slides off easier and you can add rub then.

Hope this helps a little.

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