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Hey All...

Need some serious help....

My FEC 500 has gone down. Chain jumped of the pully and I can't get it to stay on.

Got it back on, then it jumped of again.

I need this back up and running. Owner of a restaurant that can't have problems like this.

If anyone has had this experience please respond right away.

I am available at 740-594-7427 after 8:00am EST on Sunday.

Can't wait until Monday to call Cookshack.


Sean Kiser
Original Post

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Hey, I Work on and build automated machines every day. If your sprockets are not bent then look at the bearing bolts on each end of the shaft. Loosen them a little and then you will be able to align them. This will require a good straight edge. Put it along side the sprockets and move the shaft OR the drive to align the sprockets. Once they are striaght in line then put a new chain on it. Most likley the old one is bent or worn out. Try TSC (Tractor Supply CO.) They are open on Sundays. GOOD LUCK
To All...

I think I got it fixed.

Looks as if the small sproket, over 8+ months of use, became loose on the gear box and shifted about 1/4", enough to make the chain pop off. Went to loosen the allan bolt and found it was loose, so I moved it back into position and retightened. I've had it in operation for 2hrs. with no problems. I hope this has solved the problem.

Thanks to everyone for helping. A real testament to customer service to have the problem resolved under 14hrs from my first post.

John, thanks for calling as early as you did to get me the info that you did.

Eddy, thanks for talking me through troubleshooting to get it fixed.

If we solved the problem, then I'm happy to report that we suffered no real damage in sales. Our special on Sunday is brisket, so we missed out on being to serve that, but again, no real loss. I will be back-up and running tomorrow.

Thanks again to everyone...

Sean Kiser
Kiser's BBQ Shack
Athens, Ohio

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