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We've all talked about it' we've all griped about it, we've all wondered exactly what it

For those of you who may be interested there's an article in todays New York Times (page D4) concerning enhanced meats and its damnable properties.

I for one am going to make some changes (less salt) to my rub recipe if I'm forced to use this stuff.
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I for one like the way they insult a person's intelligence by saying, in a round about way, "Well, we pump them up with flavor and juice because you, our customers, are too stupid to cook it correctly."

Ya right.......they're doing it for our benefit!!

Mnhogfarmer, you shouldn't let the packers reap all the added money. What you should do is, as each hog is loaded, stick a hose up its ass and pump it full of salt water. Then you could label them "Brined on the hoof for your dining pleasure"

I for one will stick with my independent grocers and butchers.
I feel sorry for everyone who is forced to shop the big national chains because the majority of the people allowed the big chains to dupe them and push the small guy out of business.
Unfortunately I think we're in the minority. Most home cooks couldn't care less and actually benefit from the enhanced products.

What really scares/angers me is the irradiated meats packed in CO. I saw some fresh (non-frozen) ribs at a store a while back with an expiration date 6 months out.
Originally posted by GeiyserQ:
I for one like the way they insult a person's intelligence by saying, in a round about way, "Well, we pump them up with flavor and juice because you, our customers, are too stupid to cook it correctly."

Ya right.......they're doing it for our benefit!!

Mnhogfarmer, you shouldn't let the packers reap all the added money. What you should do is, as each hog is loaded, stick a hose up its ass and pump it full of salt water. Then you could label them "Brined on the hoof for your dining pleasure"

I for one will stick with my independent grocers and butchers.
I feel sorry for everyone who is forced to shop the big national chains because the majority of the people allowed the big chains to dupe them and push the small guy out of business.

He he he thats funny!!!!!

Fresh is always best. I believe what the FDA is adding to our food is what's causing all the cancer in people.

I refuse to eat any fast food, anything from a box or a can. All my vegatables are either fresh picked or frozen in a bag. As far as my meats, I have a source that's butchers the meat and wraps them USDA stickers or anything.

We read stuff like this and find out some similar rip offs are in virtually everything that we do anymore. Pay people what comes out the back end of a pig (sans the salt solution), force them to buy same (enhancers added), and then say it is new and improved. It seriously makes you want to move someplace to get rid of all of them (so that the words won't have to be edited). But these sorry folk are everywhere! Mad
Originally posted by Wheelz:
Bear -- IMO, Kroger's is the pits for buying meat with the exception of their Sanderson Farms line of poultry.

Hadn't noticed you were a fellow Arkie until now. A very much belated "welcome to the forum!" Smiler

Thanks Wheelz. I've been around for a while. I don't post much, but I have learned a lot from this forum. I agree with you about Kroger. I haven't bought any meat there since we got a Sam's. I buy most of my meat there. I also buy some from a little grocery store near me that still has a butcher on duty any time the store is open. I like being able to get steaks and chops cut the thickness that I want. They usually have good quality meat too.
Originally posted by GeiyserQ:
I for one like the way they insult a person's intelligence by saying, in a round about way, "Well, we pump them up with flavor and juice because you, our customers, are too stupid to cook it correctly."

Ya right.......they're doing it for our benefit!!

Mnhogfarmer, you shouldn't let the packers reap all the added money. What you should do is, as each hog is loaded, stick a hose up its ass and pump it full of salt water. Then you could label them "Brined on the hoof for your dining pleasure"

They dock me for having my pigs too fat when I sell my extras to Morrell. We keep the fat ones for our own retail meat business, and sell the lean ones on the open market. They can pump them with that $40/gallon water.

Back when I represented our county with the Minnesota and National Pork Producers Council (NPPC); NPPC kept pushing USDA to be on equal plains with poultry, which is allowed up to 9.99% water in it without being declared (they cool in cold water and the carcass wicks it up).
Little did I know NPPC was actually being a lackey for the packers, and not representing the farmer or consumer.
USDA said pork had to declare its solution, but poultry doesn't. Poultry from a major plant will be 9.99% water. Our own homeraised chickens, that we have processed in a local locker plant only retains 4% water, so it can be done.
Without trying to sound political, we were told that poultry gets a pass because this was going on in the 90's and Arkansas neighbors, Don Tyson and Bill Clinton were tight. Remember former Sec of Ag Mike Espy? We was removed from office for accepting Tyson's Super Bowl tickets.
I won't talk about NAFTA.

BTW, my son Paul who does the BBQ here was interviewed by Belly Dujour magazine about our Q. I'm trying to figure out where to post a topic about it. Here's the story:

Promote Pork! Run over a Chicken! Roger

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