Not to drive over Tom's feet but....
a lot of chefs and home cooks are tired of the the lean, flavorless pork sitting in the coolers at supermarkets and box chains. Savvy pork producers and "farm to table" farms are now raising "heritage" pork. In fact, it's been trending for 5+ years now.
While I applaud their effort, I also see some suppliers jumping on the bandwagon much the same as beef producers did after Certified Angus Beef became such a big hit in the 80's.
The word/description "heritage" really doesn't mean anything if a pork producer wants to tag it on to their enhanced/tumbled loins/hams/what-have-you.
The "real deal" suppliers will affiliate a genetic breed such as Berkshire, Duroc or several others, commonly raised regionally. If you can find the real McCoy, it's much more flavorful, has more marbling and outer fat, and will piss off your Cardiologist if he knows you're eating it.