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Hi, i'm about ready to pull the trigger; I just wanted to get some opinions on the options.

Should I get the extra racks so i have a total of 7?

How about the Cover?

In my situation, the FEC-100 will be sheltered from the wind 90% of the time, and will usually not be in direct sunlight for an extended period of time.

Any other must have items when purchasing an FEC100?

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Well,the FEC is well designed to cook with three,or even four racks-if you don't mind rotating product some.

You can get 10 slab rib racks that replace a standard rack,and cook 30-40 slabs-with some rotating.

One of the team FEC s was set up with the extra racks,for catering,small items ,etc.

We never actually used it .

Some of the cooks like them,because you can get a little more versatility for size,or placement of the racks-even if only using two or three.

What I'm saying is, it depends on what your specific needs might be.

The cover is an excellent investment,if the cooker sets outside,cooks in the rain,is transported in the rain.

We cook in ours,with the cover on,in the pouring rain and wind.

Hope this helps a little.

Tom was talking about mine that I had them put seven racks in it that I like. He is right. You do have less air flow around all the product. I use the extra racks when I cater. I like the extra room for chicken. The only reason I got the extra racks put in was for the extra room for smaller items. Like the extra room for chicken, Ribs, Hotdogs, Chicken wings, and also to put extra pans in there. yes you can use the rib racks and cook alot more. The seven racks on mine are to close together for extra pans on all racks. If I had to do it over again. I would put the extra racks in but not so many. Maybe 6 and make them at least 5 inches apart so I can use full pans on every shelf. You can not go wrong with the FEC100. It is a great cooker and warmer. I use them 4-5 days a week.

Hope that helps,
... I would put the extra racks in but not so many. Maybe 6 and make them at least 5 inches apart so I can use full pans on every shelf. ...

So this raises the question; how are the racks held up?

Is it like your standard oven with multiple slots to adjust your racks? Or is there only one position available per rack?

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