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I have cooked 130-140 lbs of butts on my FEC100 and had no problem with it. One thing I do is halfway through the cook, I will rotate the top rack with the bottom rack. Also, make sure you are putting the bigger butts towards the back right corner on each level, assuming your hopper is on the left of the smoker, as this tends to be the hotter spot on each rach.

Also, I find the FEC100 tends to cook more efficiently with a fuller load.

In fact, back in January, I loaded both of my FEC100s with 135 lbs of butts and they cooked like champs!
Ribdog, I’m confused. I think I remember your advice when I was planning my 40 rack cook. I think I read the same rotation pattern which you describe above. But wouldn't it seem logical to (1 top and 4 bottom) Switching and rotating 1 and 2 and then 3 and four to bring the hotter top and bottom to the middle two positions, and of course spinning them all. I rotated my ribs 1 with 4 and 3 with 2. This pattern made my 1 and 4 racks crispy and my two and three racks a little underdone. I’m assuming it’s the same with butts, briskets, chicken or billygoat. Thanks.

I guess anything is possible but the method I described is how I was taught. And since it has worked for me, I never tried anything different. That does not mean that my method is the best one out there. I just never experimented beyond my training.

That being said, I have never smoked 40 racks of ribs at once in mine. Since I have two FEC100s, I break my quantity up between the two when it comes to ribs. On butts, I will cook them all on one.

And what you are saying may make more sense with ribs. Seeing as butts are a little more forgiving, I just stick with the old standard.
Originally posted by RibDog:
I have cooked 130-140 lbs of butts on my FEC100 and had no problem with it. One thing I do is halfway through the cook, I will rotate the top rack with the bottom rack. Also, make sure you are putting the bigger butts towards the back right corner on each level, assuming your hopper is on the left of the smoker, as this tends to be the hotter spot on each rach.

Also, I find the FEC100 tends to cook more efficiently with a fuller load.

In fact, back in January, I loaded both of my FEC100s with 135 lbs of butts and they cooked like champs!
Most folks would be more prone to open to dump moisture,and rarely to mop

Oc casionally a comp team,working two butts,might spray them,just for flavor profile.

I guess if you felt it was critical to building flavor profiles you could mop,but the internal moisture of a full load of butts,and the FEC cooking,it wouldn't be necessary.

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