I met Fast Eddie at the Memphis cook-off and was so impressed that I purchased the 100. I've had a great summer with many long weekend cooks. I did brisket (still needs some work) and shoulders,turkey, and ribs in the same weekend and my FEC100 has worked flawlessly. It has exceptional temperature control! Most everyone has been impressed with the results except my stick-smoking friend. Where'the smoke? The ring looks good, but the food ain't black!
I've added a 90 degree elbow with a 4 in. to 2 in. reducer in order to keep the smoke that's produced in the box for a longer time, is this good or bad? I've just finished 100 lbs. of BBQDelight pellets and thought I'd try Fast Eddie's. do you think I'll get more smoke? Do I need more smoke? This newbie would really appreciate all coments and advice!
Thanks in advance!
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