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I filled my FEC100 with 12 pork roasts and it shut down once for no reason I can come up with. Luckily, I caught it, hit the reset button and it worked fine through the night. This morning, I removed all of the pork, cleaned the grills and filled the unit with 45 lbs of sausage. It work for about an hour then shut down again. I hit the reset button and it started back, but this has happened two more times.

Does anyone have a clue as to what may be causing the shut down? I have bypassed the starter due to gfi problems, but it has worked perfectly for the last year.
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I assume you mean the hi limit is cutting off. That being the case it can be caused by a couple of things. One if your side racks are in there highest setting it will expose the probe and it can pick up the heat from the fire pot which is well over 450 deg. Second you could be getting a flame up from the fat rendering and splashing over the drip shield. Third you could have a bad switch. I would recommend giving me or Bill a call here at Cookshack and we can check things out over the phone with you. Our number is (800)423-0698.
Yes- they said to check the position of the side rack holders. I think they have seen problems with these being the low position and having it effect the high limit sensor (or maybe I have it reversed).

They also said it could be that the high limit sensor may have gone bad. I cooked a few racks of ribs over the weekend for about seven hours and had no problem, so I'm still scratching my head.

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