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So I have been in contact with cookshack (Bill and another gentleman) for a few months now, and we are all kind of stumped wanted to see if anyone else has had this issue.

I got my cookshack in August of 09, installed it in my garage with a direct vent through the roof (per cookshacks recommendations) and basically did low and slow until about 2 months ago, when I got the bug to use it as a pizza oven(coming from BGE's, I missed it)I went out and bought 5 nice pizza stones, and fired this baby up setting it to 420F. With all that added thermal mass, I actually started the cooker on a Saturday morning, in anticipation for the dinner pizza party that night (around 7ish). Knowing that the FEC would hold temp like a champion it never even crossed my mind to check the temps...7 rolled around and we got all the pizzas made. Went outside to throw them on, checked temp 290F, first thing I did was check the hopper..still full, check temp settings..set to 420...Grab another thermometer..290..hmm scrap that, I guess its oven use tonight.

Well that day ofter, I started my troubleshooting quest...
Used Maverick wireless thermo...same as cookshack probe
Checked auger pin..fine
Disconnected direct vent to roof, no piping on the cooker...same temps
Used an elbow on vent...same temps
Cleaned out hopper with shop vac, then blow out with compressor...same temps
Cleaned out fire pot with vacuum and blew out with compressor(do that every time though..nothing
Checked fan stuff..looked fine
Called cookshack...
Bill had me take all sorts of pictures and send them to him...everything checked out fine.. He suggested trying some new pellets, and bypassing the hopper switch
Did those things....same temps
Called Bill again..pulled out multimeter and checked everything..everything checks out fine...temps stay the same..He says we will try a new auger motor..

So thats where I am at now, waiting on a new auger motor. Anyone else have any issues like this!?!? I am about at wits end

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Fire is about fuel and air.

My first guess would be for a hotter fire, it needs both more fuel (which it's getting I'm assuming) and more air.

I don't think with the vent it's getting enough air. The hot air is going up while the cold air is coming down and it's just not enough new oxygen.

If it's not the vent, and it's getting enough pellets (have to watch that to see if it is) I'd look at air flow (could be fans, but I think it's the vent).

p.s. 5 posts since you got it. You gotta do better than that Big Grin
I had a similar problem last fall. Since I am close to Ponca City, I packed the FE in the back of my Surburban after making an appointment with Tony and went there. He fired it up and sure enough it happened.
He finally took the cover where the fire pot is off as if changing the hot stick. he could see some leakage around that. so he took that piece completely off and took it inside and tweeked it. Also, there was a bunch of ash inside that compartment, which according to Tony could have played a part in that. When he reinstalled the pieces, it was easy to see the difference, it sealed better. we fired it up and it hit the high temp.
Hope this helps, if you have any question, call Tony and he may remember the day. Smiler
Well after a call from Fast Eddy, and next day air parts.. my cookshack now works. They send me a new auger and a new fan. The new auger is hollow as opposed to having a shaft. I also used some havc tape to seal up some fan leaks. Here are some pictures of the new stuff

Thanks for everything guys!
Everything is working great on my new FEC. Cooked chicken yesterday, ribs today, and doing butts tomorrow. I clean my fire pot out after every cook and get it good and scraped with a spoon so no crusty stuff can build up on it. One question though, I noticed holes in the fire pot. Will ash get in there and build up after a while? Will I have to take the fire pot box apart and clean in there?

Cookshack cooking food that is Money!

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