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Hi, all. I don't post on the CS board much as we haven't yet made the jump to buying an FE, although we've discussed it. Due to my husband Robert's influence and recommendation, however, the culinary department at the Tulsa Technology Center has ordered a shiny new FEC-100 for use in its culinary program. Tulsa Tech is an extensive Vo-Tech system in NE Oklahoma, for whom my husband is Purchasing Manager. It seems that there also exists a possibility that I/we may have the opportunity to teach a BBQ section in one of the culinary classes, so I will be devouring FE information in the weeks to come in case it becomes not just a BBQ class but "BBQ on the FEC-100" class.

I'll be sending the link for the Cookshack site and forums to the director of the culinary program as well, so that he may benefit from the experience and expertise available here.

Keri C, still smokin' on Tulsa Time
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man that is great. i sure hope you and robert get to teach some classes. i did one as a favor to my alma mater for a girl from new york who wanted to learn and they had no way to teach her. it was very rewarding so i sure hope that you get to do it.
ps. by the way make the students sleep on the floor and set your thermos to the desired temps. this is a true learning experience for making sure that the pork and brisket arrive at the buffet table together Big Grin that could easily be inserted into the syllabus. it also would be helpful to have the program director look at the professionals section. i taught culinary arts for 4 years (hence the nickname prisonchef) in boys prison but i still learn a lot of things in the pro's section of this forum and since that is how the students are headed it might give them a look at the differences between competition and commercial aspects of bbq.

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