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I am probably going to compete in my 1st comp in june here in Boise, ID. There is a cooking class on the 7th of May and I am wondering if it is worth the $125.00 or should I get a little education with my entry fee and just have fun. I'm sure I'll have fun anyway, but just what is taught/shown at a class for a guy that is a fair backyard BBQer who does do a little catering on the side? If the class is worth it, I'll find some cash to Pony up.....your opinion please.
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The cooking class is going to be given by the Grand and Res Champs from last year Boise contest. You will be taught Brisket, pork butt, ribs and chicken, a competiton class.
I will start the class on time, it will be a long day, you going to be cooking on the FE?
PS: You can tell me if it was worth it at the end of the day. :>Wink
North Pole,

It will be the best $125 you spend. It's not about how good a cook you are at home, it's about learning how to turn in the kind of entries for these contests. The little tricks and tips you need for a contest will keep you from starting at the bottom and could even help you place. Building a box, working on turn in times, what they look for in entries you turn in (I'm still trying to figure out that one).

I couldn't tell if Jim was teaching or not, maybe just the KCBS rep? If Jim is is teaching the class, you're learning from a personal friend who I can vouch knows his @#$% about Q. Still remember the smoked crab legs from MIM.
David Hensley and myself are teaching the class.
David won two State Championships last season and I have 4 under my belt.

In the last few years I have had the pleasure of learning from DrBBQ (taking his class and cooking with him). Cooked with Chris Lilly and spent time with Gary Kerse sp from Pig Pounda Kappa.

David is from Texas and learned his techniques before moving north to Washington. So the styles and techniques are from BBQ hotbeds around the country.

This is the 7th class we have taught and we have been able to get some students on stage in their first competitions from every class.
O.K., as it is the 30th, should I take a chance on the snail mail or pay at the door? I can do either, but I want to make sure that the enrollment fee gets to someone prior to the class. Also, what do I need to bring. I just found out that I got the time off from work thus the late questions. Sorry 'bout that. Is there a # I could call with More questions?
North Pole Joe,
You'll love competition. I'm so glad you're getting into it. I can't wait until our next one!
We didn't do classes, but I'm sure you'll get a lot out of this one. It sounds like a good one. We got lots of help from people at the competitions we entered. Not to mention all the advice we've received here.
I'm looking forward to seeing you in the lists of winners.

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