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I'm dissappointed in you. A little ice,snow, and cool weather has you migrating South. Now, us Newbies are not surprised that after PREPPING you this winter that someone would take a chance on your cooking skills.(ROTFL)

I would like to wish all our FEC members good luck in Houston. Please leave the stick burners yelling," pellets are CHEATING". We all know that if they would let the CS nation in with the electric smokers. They would understand what cheating was all about.

Good luck once again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still the rule Scottie, one cook per site. Don't know which I'm cooking, but I'll be an adviser to the other cooks, that's why we're practicing on Thur/Fri to see which recipes we're going for.

Don't know which and what we're doing. We have four entries, could be 2 chicken, 1 rib, 1 brisket or 2 chicken 2 rib or what.

We'll sort it out after we taste test.
Doesn't matter how many spaces, you will either turn in a 1/2 chicken, spare ribs or brisket. Your chicken, if that's what you turn in, will be judged against another entrants brisket which will be judged against another entrants ribs. IBCA, loosely, does sanction it.

Only way to get invite, is to be rich, a corp. and they have I understand long waiting lines to get invite, or win a Tx county "Go Texan" legit IBCA comp. Still you got to determine what you are going to turn in, a half chicken, spares or a brisket

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