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Well, the first cook is all done!

the smoker was great!!! (cookshack) Wish the person doing the smoking was just as good.

Results: 1) Put the ribs in at 9:30. Had them in the fridge rubbed down about 18 hours. Couldn't taste any of the flavoring it seemed from the rub, not sure if you're supposed to or not.
2) Cooked at 225 with 2 oz. of hickory
3) At 1 1/2 hours, opened up, sprayed with some apple juice, they looked good.
4) At 3 hours sprayed again, then added some sauce and wrapped with foil.
5) At 3 1/2 hours took out one rack to eat. Meat wasn't quite as tender as I'd like, but really had a nice smoke flavor for me.
6) Kept the other rack in all thru lunch for 1 1/2 hours more. They came out nice and tender, not falling off the bones. I think I could go for about 30 more minutes.

the only disappointment was the sauce. I thought it was not bad, but my wife thought it was too "ketchuppy" and those are her words translated!! I tried the sauce from the Bob Gibson's recipe, and made a couple minor adjustments. I also made the stupid mistake of covering up both racks with the sauce. Next time, I'll cut the ribs in half, and then try each half a bit different.
I think I'll stick to sauces used by forum members, keeping it simple and using ingredients that are easily available here. The experimenting might be after I've made the original recipe, then take some aside to work on. That way I can't ruin it, which is what I think happened today.

My thoughts: The cookshack performs excellent. Seems to me, a very important part of doing the ribs, and probably most other dishes though, is coming up with the sauces and rubs that are just right for you!!! So as everyone says "The fun part is experimenting and working on different recipes, and formulas for the rubs and sauces.

Jack, used the water with lemon and the grills cleaned up nice.
Now time to prepare for cook number 2, christmas day!! pork shoulder and more ribs. Doing the turkey in the oven.
My best wishes for health, happiness, and a great Christmas to all the members of the forum.
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The one thang you are doing wrong is opening the door. I have not seen one good argument yet for opening the door during a cook. Some say it is to let out moisture. You need that moisture for the CS to create that masterpiece. If not for the moisture you would always have dry and/or tough meat.
I agree totally with GLH (just can't get used to "Hippie"). Keep that door closed as much as possible. You need to learn to resist that temptation. "Maybe" once at about the 2-hour mark if you feel the need to spritz with apple juice.

If I am going to sauce my ribs, I do it after I pull them. They are hot enough fresh out of the cooker to carmelize your sauce and still add the flavor you are looking for.

Congrats on your first cook. It's only going to get better!!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
I have a 008 and when I cook ribs I let them cook 3 hrs at 225* with pecan or maple. Then I open the door, baste with sauce and do not foil. Shut the door and let them continue for 2.5-3 hrs more. I dont cook mine to fall off the bone tender...we like pull off the bone better.

Congrats on the first run.

You haven't heard this one, so I'll let you know..."when it's done it's done..." If they're not tender, you just need to smoke them a little longer. You'll learn soon enough how to tell. I take a gloved hand or a pair of tongs, run it parallel to the ribs and pick them up. I'm looking for how they "flex". Others will take a bone and try to twist it. Still others take a toothpick or probe and push it into the meat to see if it's tender or not.

I wouldn't rub them 18 hours in advance. That, for some reason, tends to mellow the rub.

I do mine just before I put them in and I taste the rub. Also, if you sauce them, the sauce tends to overwhelm the rub. If I heavy sauce ribs, I don't put hardly any rub on at all. but I only put a finishing sauce (basically a thinned down sauce) to give them a good look. And I only do it about the last 15 minutes to let the sauce thicken a little on the ribs.

For your butt, the CS does great, you just need to make sure you give it long enough, because like the ribs, it will get tender, but it takes time.

Best to you and good luck in the New Year.

Guys, thanks for the advice. I won't open the door as much, and as early. I think maybe what cadillac suggested sounds good. Maybe at the 3 hour mark, little juice, and then keep it closed for about 3 hours. (keeping in mind that they'll be done when they're done) I think I like pull off the bone too. I kind of have an idea what to look for now when I check them in the oven. The 2nd rack I kept in were almost just right, and they cooked 5 1/2 hours. there was a bit of "flex" in that one Russ.
The sauce also I'll wait until I pull from the oven or just before.
And I like Smokin's suggestion of putting the rub on just before they go in.
As for the wood, I'm using hickory (it's all I have for the moment) but when I do get some different wood I'll try some different flavors there.
Once again, thanks, Steve.

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