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5.5lb pork butt cut for me by my butcher at my local supermarket. Injected last night with 50/50 white vinegar and water with John Henry's Honey Rib Rub and rubbed with same John Henry's Honey Rib Rub. Placed in my smokette at 6am today. Set at 225 with 3.5oz applewood. Currently noon and at plateau at 166. Planning on taking it to 195. Smells great. Crossing my fingers on how it turns out.
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Thanks! I've actually had my Smokette for a year but this was my first pork butt. Turned out phenomenal. At 2:30 it was still only at 172 so I cranked it up to 250. At 5:30 my probe read 192 so off it came. Fantastic flavor, moist, just had gotten to the point where I could pull it. And I think I would have been happy just eating a plate of the bark! So all totalled the 5.5lb butt took 11.5hrs. I highly recommend the John Henry line of rubs by the way. Their Pecan Rub is fantastic on salmon.

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