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So I am now a proud owner of a brand new FEC-100. I fired her up tonight to season it and decided to throw a couple fattys on there to help with the process.

I had the temp set at 224. I kept a pretty close eye on it and saw the temp drop as low as 212 and go as high as 236 during the smoke.

Is this temp swing normal? I did put a probe in next to the fixed temp probe and the temps were right on for the most part.

I was using FE pellets, slight breeze, so I put on an elbow and rain cap. (chrome smoke stack coming soon!)
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The swing is normal for a new FEC. Once you have it well seasoned the swings should moderate a bit. Basically, the auger will deliver pellets to the fire pot to maintain your temp setting. Most of the time the temp swing is minimal. Once and again you'll see a brief 20 degree swing. No big deal.

One suggestion: I find that cleaning the fire pot of spent ash prior to my next smoke helps smooth temps out a bit.
Originally posted by MaxQue:
The swing is normal for a new FEC. Once you have it well seasoned the swings should moderate a bit. Basically, the auger will deliver pellets to the fire pot to maintain your temp setting. Most of the time the temp swing is minimal. Once and again you'll see a brief 20 degree swing. No big deal.

One suggestion: I find that cleaning the fire pot of spent ash prior to my next smoke helps smooth temps out a bit.

Thanks MaxQue. I really wasn't too concerned about it, just curious. I will continue to watch it the more I use it. I'm doing ribs on on Saturday, and pork butts on Sunday, so it will get a nice workout this weekend!
Let's start with a CRITICAL piece of info: ALWAYS place your butts or anything else within the confines of the lower drip tray. Any grease dripping onto the walls or floor of the FEC cabinet has the potential of igniting a fire. I know, I had one yesterday cooking too many (6) chickens on one rack. Luckily I caught the fire early but not before burning the gasket to the point of replacement.

Back to the butts...if you can fit four butts on one rack within my guidelines; fine. Place the 1st rack on the position above the vent hole and the 2nd rack above the first. You didn't mention weights so use your best judgement.

Yes the back left is the hot spot, as are the top and lowest shelf positions.
Originally posted by MaxQue:
Let's start with a CRITICAL piece of info: ALWAYS place your butts or anything else within the confines of the lower drip tray. Any grease dripping onto the walls or floor of the FEC cabinet has the potential of igniting a fire. I know, I had one yesterday cooking too many (6) chickens on one rack. Luckily I caught the fire early but not before burning the gasket to the point of replacement.

Back to the butts...if you can fit four butts on one rack within my guidelines; fine. Place the 1st rack on the position above the vent hole and the 2nd rack above the first. You didn't mention weights so use your best judgement.

Yes the back left is the hot spot, as are the top and lowest shelf positions.

Thats a big help, and is greatly appreciated!


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