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I just smoked 4 slabs of spares last week. I would recommend pulling the membrane off of the bone side before you rub them. I smoke them at 225 with 2-3 oz of apple wood for 3 hours. Then I wrap them tightly in heavy duty foil with a splash of apple juice and return them to the smoker for 2 hours at 225. They should be quite tender by then so I take them out of the foil, brush them with sauce, and return them to the smoker at 225 for another hour. You should be well pleased with them when you pull them out. If you’re not ready to serve them double wrap them in heavy duty foil, maybe add another splash of apple juice, wrap them with a towel, and put them in a cooler until you’re ready to serve them

You’re gonna like the way you smoke
definitely recommend pulling the membrane and triming. Add S&P or a rub if you want. I usually smoke at 250-275 for 4-5 hours; check by poking a toothpick into the meat between the bones - if it slides in and out easily they are done. If you need to hold them then foil 'em; if you're ready to eat just let them rest about 10 minutes and enjoy them.
Congrats on the new smoker and welcome to the CS forum. As you can tell from the fine cooks above, there is a LOT of ways to smoke ribs.

Here is a link to Smokin's 101s, he has taken the time to help the young cook get started. Smokin's 101s

I tend to smoke closer to TNQ's style, but it doesn't mean that's the only way. I usually open the door at 3hrs and check the progress, sometimes I'll add a little more rub or some brown sugar to sweeten the ribs.

The total cook time will depend a LOT on weight of the ribs, the actual age of the pig, or if they have been I too, follow TNQ's way of telling if the ribs are done. Some folks like to pick the ribs up in the middle and see if they are bending with a little of the meat trying to pull apart.... any way you learn will take practice and require some note taking for future reference.

Good luck, oh any more questions?
The best advice I ever got was to start simple and learn the "tricks" later. If you're about to smoke ribs in an SM025 you probably have some experience with cooking and seasoning meat. Season it the way you like and use the toothpick test. Expect 3-6 hrs, depending on your temp. You're going to love the ribs. The test will be if you actually wait long enough to get them finished to perfection.
Originally posted by Padrefan98:
The best advice I ever got was to start simple and learn the "tricks" later. If you're about to smoke ribs in an SM025 you probably have some experience with cooking and seasoning meat. Season it the way you like and use the toothpick test. Expect 3-6 hrs, depending on your temp. You're going to love the ribs. The test will be if you actually wait long enough to get them finished to perfection. gotta hang in there and wait for 'em to get done. Have faith and keep checking with the toothpick.

Myself, I don't use foil in the CS, but I like my ribs to pull off the bone, not fall off the bone. Each to his/her own.
Okay, I'm no rib expert like Smokin', but I would think you must have two slabs of ribs?

I would pull the membrane off the back, like Smokin' showed in the Rib 101. Then there will be a small flap of meat on the back side, trim this off. Next, I would trim the small end up a little(couple inches), otherwise it will just dry out anyway. I would then look for any large deposits of fat, trim them off.

You should be able to put each slab on a rack, personally, I'd put the largest rack on the bottom shelf.

I'd bet somewhere around 5 hrs on 250*, but never cook by time, use the toothpick test. I always error on cooking too long as opposed to getting tough meat, but to each his own.
Last edited by cal 2
Yes, trim the skirt up to the ribs, some cooks will season and put this on the smoker also, when you check the ribs at three hours they will have a treat to eat.

If your ribs are a little long in length remember the small meat drys out, so trim the small rib end back a little, these can be treats also, just cook separate like the skirt.
Originally posted by TN Q:
try a YouTube search for "how to trim spare ribs". there are a number of decent videos that illustrate trimming techniques.

youtube, really?

Did you not catch MY videos... LOL

Ribs 101 Update with Video

Check the link at the top of the forum, it's from this summer when I did a video shoot with the local newspaper.

I also did videos for MOINKS and Briskets and Burnt ends (check the top of the brisket forum)

It should help Big Grin
Last edited by Former Member
Your video was very helpful. I now have 2 more questions. 1) I put the ribs in the smoker flesh side down - is that ok? 2) I'm cooking them at 250 degrees - I have been smoking for 1 1/2 hours and the temp is 230 degrees - why hasn't it yet reached 250? It is around 42 degrees outside with a slight wind - is the smoker working ok?
Ribs meat side down, meat side up, or flip them during the cook? Well, I've done them all and can only say be careful if you put the meat side down, because a pool of juices will gather in the top...and yes it can be VERY hot!

Temps sound fine, but remember if you cut them to ST Louis cut ribs, times will be different, so make sure you use toothpick test. Outside temps and wind will not effect the smoker very much.
Thanks so much for all your help. I checked the ribs at 3 hours and they passed the toothpick test however were not really falling off the bone - so I foiled wrapped them and will smoke them for another hour or so - although I think the wood has been used up as I only used 2 oz. and no smoke is coming out.

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