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For fathers day I got authorization to buy a smoker, but have not picked one out yet... I started off looking at TexasPitMasters, then Bradley, then found CookShack while searching the web.

Everything I read here says get a Cookshack. I have young kids (read: not much time) and as much as I like the idea of messing with a fire, I doubt I would get to use a TexasPitMasters or the like as much as I would hope to.

My concerns for the Cookshack are:
- a rack of ribs may not fit in a 008
- Capacity of a 008 (for those few times I cook for 10-15 people).
- it's electric, how long do these last, are they easily maintainable? (i.e. can heater element be replaced by consumer?)
- 008 or 050... I can't decide.... Maybe a 008 and if I want more capacity in the future get a second 008.

Since this is my first smoker, any opinions on the validity (or lack of) of my concerns would be appriciated.

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Hi Barry,

I'm a fairly new CS owner myself. I bought an 050 and I'm really glad I did. If you read through the forum, I think you'll find most folks will advise you to go for the 050 if it's within your budget. It will definitely have more room for your larger groups.

I'm sure someone with an 008 will give some advise about them too.

The smokers are incredibly easy to maintain. There are several threads about how to care for them. I haven't read about anyone even mention the heating element. These things are built like trucks.

This forum is the best. All the "old timers" are more than willing to help us newbies with any problem or concern. The Cookshack customer service is second to none. If you browse around the forum, you'll see what I mean.

Whichever CS unit you decide on, you wont be disappointed. Big Grin
I would still buy my 008 again if I had it to do all over. I like the size. It doesnt bother me at all to have to cut my racks of ribs in half... you rarely serve someone a whole rack at once anyway. (at least I dont!) I have jammed 20 lbs of ribs in mine at once and served 16 people ribs they LOVED. I cook large pork butts & briskets in it. Instead of buying a model 50, I would buy a second 008. That way I could have 2 different cooks going on at once. But then I would need a bigger cart. lol

And Hook was right on the money about the good people both here on the Forum & at the Cookshack support. Top notch all the way!

And that was my $0.02 worth...

Barry, I have just received my second 008. Why two, you ask??? Like cadillac said two seperate cooks or twice the ribs. About your concerns:

1. A 14" rack of ribs will fit (I am currently working on a way to get 12 full 14" slabs of loinbacks in one smokette 008)Dont let the little size fool you.

2. Capacity see # 1 above.

3. Maintenance .Yes they can be worked on by the consumer. That is if you ever need to.... Electric is the only way to go. I have two kids and I set it, forget it, and go play with the kids!!

Check this out
My fathers day present was my second cookshack!! If you join the buyers club they knock off another $38 !!!!!
Welcome to the Q'in club. Hardest choice is which to buy.

I think if you look through the owners archive, you'll see plenty of testimony about buying a CS, especially with your time concerns.

1. Rack of Ribs: How many you want to do? There have been some creative people here with racks and stands. A full rack won't fit in straight, front to back, unless you usually cut off the last bone (the one that never has anything but fat, but they want to see us anyway). If you're buying a cryovac of 3, 3 will easily fit in a 008.

2. Capacity: Look through the Open Forum or archives for topics of meat items you want to cook. Brisket? Ribs? Butt? Chicken? You'll see plenty can be cooked in an 008.

3. Electric: As stated, the electric element is built to last. In the 4 or 5 years of the forum, I don't remember one post about the element being cold. It's a simple design. And even if they did die, they're easily replacable.

4. 008 or 50: Ah, the tough question. Depends on how much you want to cook and if you want to cook for family and friends after they taste your Q. I see a lot of posts by people wishing they'd got a 50, but not from a 50 owner wishing they'd bought smaller. Probably a question of money. If you have the money, the forum should convince you that you'll have a support group of Old Timers to help you with your new toy.

Enjoy your search.

All, Thanks for the helpfull comments. I'm going CS for sure, not sure which one yet, but CS. The TexasPitMasters which I was close to buying, with a cover would cost about the same as the 050, but then again, how much do I need. I'll dig through some archives and agonize over it a while...


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