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Tried out my 009 for the first time this weekend and all i can say is WOW Wink I've been on here reading as much as i can to learn what i could before the first cook. All i wan't to say is thank you ALL for posting your experience and guidance for the beginner. I put in two 6# butts and 4oz of wood and just let her cook. The end result was the most tender and moist pulled pork i have had. Thanks again John
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Smokin i put them in at 10:30 at night at 180* and got up at 7 the next morning cranked it up to 225*. I didn't get my maverick yet so i just put a thermometer in each butt so i did open the door a couple of times and i know it added some time to the cook. I had 15 hours involved in this cook and all i used is some ribrub,black pepper and garlic powder. i used 4oz of wood 1/2 apple and 1/2 hickory and pulled and wrapped them @ 200* so i made they were the same size and it worked out this time that they were done together.As far as changing anything its one step at a time but have been thinking about injecting a butt at the end of a cook with maybe butter and brown suger mix maybe to give the meat a little sweet flavor. Trial and error i guess Big Grin Next weekend it's salmon time Big Grin Like you say it's done when it's done Big Grin John
Originally posted by John M:
.... but have been thinking about injecting a butt at the end of a cook with maybe butter and brown suger mix maybe to give the meat a little sweet flavor. John

Well glad I asked.

You can't inject at the "end" and expect it to work. The protein of the pork has already seized up and anything injected won't go anyway.

NOW...the good news

I inject PB all the time (well, actually some even say I'm a pretty good pork cook lately, guess they're bragging on all my pork calls)

Inject at the beginning. I like to give it 4 hours so it has time to dissipate a little. Chris Lilly, who actually IS the MAN for pork, has a well traveled recipe, it's a great one to start. Feel free to make it sweeter, it's up to you. Do a search on Chris Lilly and it will come up, but it's here:

Chris Lilly Injection

For me, PB loves salt so mine have more salt than sugar in them.

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