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I've done ribs before on my charcoal smoker, but not in my smokette yet.. (silly town by laws about grills on porches)..

anyway, got them preped.. cut, rubed, sauced, etc...

my question is I seem to see 225 for 3-5hrs as the time line... and it says to check them... I thought when you open the smoker all the smoke goes out the door... how often should i keep checking them?

thanks for the advice!
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Sounds like you've got spares. Keep in mind that the times you see on the forum are just a starting point. Your times could vary a bit. It will take a few smokes to get the timing down for your smoker. Take good notes and adjust appropriately for each smoke.

Since they are spares I would check them at the 4.5 to 5 hour mark. I usually check doneness by sticking a toothpick into the meat and if it slides through with little resistence they're done. If they're not done give them another hour.
St Louise are full spares cut down so they cook more evenly.

Since it's the next day, my thoughts are for your next cook.

Take good notes. You're new to the smoker and ribs so notes will help your learning curve.

Weigh the ribs. After trimming, they could be 2 lb or 3.5 lbs and that WILL matter on each cook. Note the weight in your log.

By the time you're at 3 or 4 hours, the woods probably already gone, so worry more about losing heat when you open the door.

Note how many times you open the door. If you leave the door open, heat gets out.

The best way is to have some great gloves, pull a whole rack out and shove the door closed. EACH TIME you open the door it will add 30 min or more if all the heat gets out.

There are lots of methods for checking doneness, but if you learn the toothpick method, you'll get a lot better. After a while, you'll be able to determine doneness successfully.
my feedback...

1) don't forget the drip pan (that's a god awful mess to clean up)

2) took about 4hrs, I think they were done a little earlier, the sauced ones were clearly pulling from the bone, the dry rub were a little tougher to tell)

3) don't sauce them before smoking, sauce them after.

4) gotta find some way to make a spot for the thing so it wont roll and I can level it easy... I thought I had it level then at about the 3hrs mark i'm checking the ribs and a wheel falls off and the thing almost goes over... (saved it, got the wheel back under).

thanks for the feedback, i've tried brisket and ribs... next i think maybe pork butt or a smaller brisket.

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