Well, it was a nice cool weekend around here. I decided to try some smoked lox. Turned out good enough for eatin', but the plating left a lot to be desired- so - no pics.
Got the recipe from Charcuterie (Ruhlman and Polcyn).
Followed their recipe exactly, except had to grind bay leaves because I did,'t have any already dround. Smoked for about 4 hours instead of 6.
Ended up with a salmon that had a nice deep pink color, a hint of the bay and rum, and a nice smoke- a little more than I'd care for with salmon, but not way overpowering.
Took good notes so I can change a little next time- lighter smoke, less bay seasoning.
Makeshift cold baffle and a bucket of ice.
Found that turning on the smoker at 225df for about 15 minutes would develop a good smoke and still keep the temp at the fish at about 80-85 df. Big drawback is you have to watch it close so the fish doesn't get too warm and start cooking.
Also- when it came to cutting- got a lot of little pieces and stuck to the blade of the knife(hence presentation wasn't there)
Not a bad first attempt- didn't want to do my first using Copper River filets.
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