So my wife tells me she wants to do some South Beach diet stuff this week and wants me to smoke a turkey breast. Not one to argue, I said "Sure", anything else? She said yea, there was one more package of chicken drum sticks in the freezer I could add. And while I was at it, could I smoke some turkey sausages as well? Well this weekend is lookin up. I find the brine from Turkey 101 and get started. Brine mixed, I use enough for the chicken and submerge a 5 1/2 lb turkey breast in the rest. This of course was properly defrosted and cleaned. Tomorrow I plan to follow the 101 to prep the turkey and chicken legs and do the buttered cheese cloth thing on the turkey.
Here's my question (about time), Using my 008, I plan to place the turkey on the bottom rack, covered with the cheese cloth and circled with the chicken legs. I will have the thermometer in the turkey going for 165*and the box on 250*. Can the legs stay in for the duration? If I open it, what do I look for on the legs?
Then, on the rack above, the sausage for 1 1/2 hr.(guess I have to open it) That sound right?
I'm going to mix the wood between apple and aldler, about
Is this too much of a mixed bag?
Any thoughts and guidance would be helpful.
Speaking of a mixed bag, on the next thread I'm going to ask about what wines stand up to great Q. That should be lively..
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