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If I have already posted this, please forgive me. I have CRS and senior moments. I mean well, though.

Smokin' Okie pointed out to me recently that member Tom has over 1,000 posts and suggested that we recognize Tom as a "gold" member of the forum. We are still organizing the award, due to my lazy self being retired for the summer, but I want to be sure to recognize Tom for his contribution to the Cookshack Forum.

When someone posts as much as Tom has, and is consistently helpful and eager to offer his skills and expertise to others, we believe that person deserves special recognition. Tom is a real asset to the forum, and we appreciate his presence and continued participation.

Everyone who participates in the forum is on his or her way to becoming a gold member. I hope you will follow Tom's example!

Donna Big Grin

PS Smokin' Okie looks after you forum members. I don't always stay as current on what's going on as I should, but you guys can count on Smokin' to be paying attention!
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