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There's never leftovers but my wife and I decided to try to freeze some Q to take out boating or when we travel or for a quick meal. For samples and gifts, too.

As suggested way back by friends on this forum, I have tried freezing pulled pork with Q sauce in ziplocks and then boiling to warm it up. Problem is I find the bag will float and then melt when it touches the side of the pan. I have not found any bags that are just for boiling.

Anyone have the ultimate solution or method for freezing and reheating pulled pork without a microwave?
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your method sounds good. i suggest same bag, but dont boil the water. just heat water on low to medium. it will take longer, but wont melt the bag. back in the day, at a big corp, rest, we used frozen soup. came in gallon size bags, we boiled them but they would always take on some water. probably the best thing to do is pull the meat out of the freezer 2 days prior to trip and thaw in fridge///

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