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okay, first tiem ever with a smokette. (see togetheness post down below). i put the 5.5 butt in at 11:30 p.m. and set the oven to 225.
at 8:30 the next morning i put the briskett in.
at 10:30 a.m. i inserted the probes from the digital therms and was suprised to see the butt was only at 154. the briskett was already up to 140 after two hours. by noon, both pieces were at 156. i rmoved the butt and put it in the house oven to finish (also set at 225)and cranked the smokette as high as she would go. and by 2:30 p.m., the butt was finally at 190. we were very lucky because the briskett was hitting 190 about the same time. everything turned out juicy and very delicious. the guests were awed at the results. i credit the advice from this forum with the success. my problem is that i am wondering why i could not get both pieces up to temp. i bought the smokette used. could it be an element problem or a thermostat problem? has anyone had similar issues with the smokette packed fairly full?
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I have done something similar. I do not think anything is wrong with thew smokette.

How large was the brisket you put in? I think the problem occured when you put the brisket in during the middle of the cook. When you opened the door you lost a lot of the built up heat in the oven. The brisket is a big piece of meat and absorbed most of the heat until the two pieces reach equilibrium. I believe that the brisket acts as a heat sink and the two get done around the same time even with the differences. When I want butt and brisket, I put them in at the same time and they usually get done around the same time.

When figuring out times you usually use the largest piece of meat as a gauge but it is done when it is done. Also you should open the door as little as possible. This means not opening the door to just putt the thermometer in. The thermometer should be installed at the beginning of the cook or later if you are mopping or basting.

The important thing is that it all turned out well. Smiler
i took the thermometer from my brinkman and set it in the smoke hole with the setting at 225. after two hours all i could get was 190. i dropped the digital meat probe down the hole and it was reading 260. i'll do some more testing on it. maybe the 250 setting will get me some good temp.
Smiler I am kinda new at this, but with pork I figure 2 hours per pound at 225. This usually works well with me. I have the smokette and I don't believe it actually heats up to 225 when set there. I think alot of the heat goes out the top with the smoke. Also, to keep from thinking you have to open it to baste or mop, when doing pork or beef, use a rub to start with, then when done, put on a glaze if slicing. If chipping or shredding for sammiches, just a rub works for me. Smiler
A while back a was worried that my smokette wasn't working right so I ran a temp check. It cycled from a low of 195 to high 255 at 225 setting. 15min up/30min down. It would depend on what point in the cycle you check it. I try to buy it and cook it within a couple of days, no freezing. But when cooking peviously frozen meat I give it 3day in the refrig to thaw. A solid piece of meat like a butt can have a lump of ice in the middle for days. I think that give us some of the problems we have.

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