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Well now,loinbacks[pork] will save you the prep of learning to trim up a slab,they will weigh less,so they will cook a little quicker.

They will fall into your window of 4 to 6 hours.

Your cookshack will keep them pretty moist,so I'd not spend a lot of effort misting.[that's filling your trusty spray bottle with something like apple juice and a little Jack Black]

Now when you open your door for the first time at about 3 hours,you could spritz them and turn them bone side down.When you open up 45-60 mins. later,you could spritz them again[if they are going back in the cooker].

Smokin' Okie's BBQ Page Ribs 101
Speaking of ribs, I just dropped into Albertsons. They had Hormell St.Louis cut ribs in 12% saline solution for around $5/lb. Over at another stall, they had fresh "babyback" ribs for $2.99.

Does not compute in my feeble mind. I thought the babybacks would surely be more expensive.

I didn't have any money, so I didn't buy at all!

(Also, no packers' cut brisket at this store. Just 7 lb. flats.)

It depend on what smoker you have but if you have I have a 55 and you can put a small water pan to keep moist and babybacks is my suggestion. Check in three hours and easy on the wood. If you like them falling of the bone you can foil them . O pull them membrain of the bake of ribs use a paper towel work best

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