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Hi all,

Wanted to say hello to my new friends. I recognize some of the names from the BBQ forum.

February 26th I lost my virginity. I've been a coal and stick burner for years. Most recently I've been using a Lang 84. Couple of weekends ago, I was running in and out of the cold, snow and wind trying to keep temps up and melting snow off my logs. A couple of days later, I did my taxes and next thing I know, I'm on the phone, credit card in hand.....

I had to work all weekend so I've only had time to season it and do a couple of chickens (ala Capt'n Pete's method). I'm off this week so I get to play!

My wife and I (the Suzie in Suzie's Q) love to cook. We do everything from Q to classic French. I was raised in Louisiana with a father from East Texas and a German mother if that tells you anything.

We cook for fun and have done one competition. We want to do more but are often limited by my work schedule. Outside of our "real" jobs, we do some private catering and are looking for a certified kitchen to work out of in order to expand that business. Our eventual goal is to have a small food oriented business where we can work together (yes, we like each other that much).

I read all the posts and look forward to learning from all you seasoned pelletheads. We'll be glad to chime in too when we feel we can do the most damage Eeker

And you thought Capt'n Pete was long winded Wink

Ron and Kathy (Sue) Taylor
DocT and Suzie's Q
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Welcome DocT ! Another stick burner bites it!

When I hear your story about you and yours, and what you do for fun and are looking to do, it's like looking in the mirror.

My wife and I both love to cook (although not always together----we work differently) and I've done some catering and am looking into finding a certified kitchen, too.

Let me know how/where you look and what you find. I'm not even sure where to start, although I've been told one can often rent a church/school cafeteria kitchen reasonably.

Enjoy your FE. I'm just finishing up my second month cooking with one and I'm still excited about it. My offset is collecting dust.
Thanks everyone. I'm definitely not a virgin anymore....set up last night and found a pile of unburned pellets this am. We live on 5 acres of swamp land at the end of the electric line. We get little power fluctuations all the time.

Yesterday I bought a deep cycle marine battery (thanks Pete for the info in one of your posts). BTW, the 104 AH gel cell was $300 at Interstate batteries, I went with the standard (heavy as a m....) lead acid for $80.

I was also wondering if a UPS like I use on the computers might not work to smooth out those line fluctuations which seem to give the Treager boards seizures.

Pete, I love reading your stuff, don't worry about keeping it short. The chicken tasted very good. The breast was a bit overdone to texture but not dry. I wonder if the cook time was affected by the new, shinny interior surfaces. The flavor was less smokey than the Lang, but we expected that. The skin was crisp but had indentations from the grill as you observed. We couldn't use it in a comp but certainly could eat it!

Kerry, we were told the same thing Re kitchens. What we found is that the churches are non-profits who generally don't lease to businesses, the schools (fire houses, etc) are goverment entities that can't lease, restaurants don't, and private organizations such as VFW's, etc. aren't interested because of a variety of reasons (liability, potential damage, schedule conflicts, etc.). If there's much interest in this topic, we can start another thread.


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