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Need some help, went to season my new Amerque a little more today and the temp is going crazy. I set it for 200 deg F for 2 hours. Came back 30 minutes later and the GFI faulted (I ran a new 15 amp service for the smoker yesterday)the 15 amp GFI won't stay on. So what I did is use an extension cord to run it through a 20 Amp outlet in my kitchen. I came back 30 minutes later and the thing was smoking at 320 F, the inside is totally black. I stopped it and reset the temperature, it will not stay at the set temp. it keeps rising. Am I doing something wrong? Does the proge need to be plugged in? Go figure, just my luck, I got Butts and ribs to smoke.

I'm not happy right know. It's to late to call CS

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Boy, am I bumbed, desided to cancel my F-day smoke out. Guess I will have to freeze my meat. Don't know what the problem is. The inside is chared black and power won't stay on, keeps tripping the GFI outlet.

I tried my kitchen outlet, the unit over heats. I checked it for amperage, it is 15 amps w/o a GFI. I guess this one will be going back.

Will keep everyone posted.

No Q for Louie -Q
I had my father bypass the GFI for my SM055 because it kept tripping. My SM055 goes up to 340 degrees when just using the digital temp probe with out any meat inside with the dial set on 250. For me it is a good thing I know I have plenty of heat and can turn the dial down to compensate. MY smoker was black inside when I did the seasoning with hickory. I beleive that is the way it is suppose to look.

I understand how much of a bummer life can be even when you do every thing right.

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
Last edited by Former Member
The box temp will swing up and down, but will average close to the set temp. An extension cord is not recommended. You will just drive yourself nuts checking box temp. You should just follow the directions and use the smoker is it is intended and call CookShack customer service if you think you have a legitimate problem.

Originally posted by Swede44mag:
I had my father bypass the GFI for my SM055 because it kept tripping.

GFI trip "normally" like this because of a bad ground somewhere. It's not the load on the CS.

Two potential causes. The GFI themselves. Once they blow, they're not always reliable.

OR. The AQ. It could have a ground fault somewhere in the circuit wiring.

When in doubt, I'd call CS and have them walk you through it.


Thanks for the reply. It seems on this forum most people don't like to comment on my type of issue.

I removed the back panel (8 screws) and the wiring looks flawless. I tried it again this morning w/o a GFI and the temp does not stay at the set temp, it keeps rising.

I guess this was the hesitation I had with buying something with electronics, whats going to happen 5 years from now. I supose buying a smoker to last a life time is unrealistic, kind of like buying a kitchen oven, they have a life expentency.

Sorry, no bashing intended, just very frustrated I guess. Today I had left over ravioli for dinner...

I'm sure CS will take care of me an my problem. It's just frustrating seeing my smoker sitting on the patio and knowing all of my meat is in the freezer.

Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
Originally posted by Swede44mag:
I had my father bypass the GFI for my SM055 because it kept tripping.

GFI trip "normally" like this because of a bad ground somewhere. It's not the load on the CS.

Two potential causes. The GFI themselves. Once they blow, they're not always reliable.

OR. The AQ. It could have a ground fault somewhere in the circuit wiring.

When in doubt, I'd call CS and have them walk you through it.


I havent been able to even run a electric weed-eater or a power drill pluged into the outside GFI plug. Now my outside power supply is on a seperate circut no GFI and no more breaker problems. I know the GFI is suppose to keep you from getting shocked but the smoker is under the porch and no rain is going to get on it anyway.

BTW I was not implying that it was a problem with the CookShack it works fine.
Last edited by Former Member
Originally posted by Louie-Q:

...I guess this was the hesitation I had with buying something with electronics, whats going to happen 5 years from now. I supose buying a smoker to last a life time is unrealistic, kind of like buying a kitchen oven, they have a life expentency.


That's why there is a forum, to help out where we can. Imagine other companies that don't have a forum to help.

Get it off the GFI circuit.

You haven't even used it, haven't called CS and now lament the purchase I know it is a little frustrating. That's why I like to tell first time users not to wait for the weekend to test it the first time...CS doesn't work weekends.

Give CS a chance first. If you read the threads, you'll see that CS customer service is exceptional.

What's going to happen 5 years from now? Don't know, depends on how much you use it. Very likely you won't need to replace anything. But 5 years worth of lots of Q will get you a lot of fun in 5 years and you won't replace the whole unit.

And the electronics in this thing are minimal. If will last longer than most other smokers (iron rusts) if you take care of it. I know of smokers from the 70's and 80's still in use.

The heating element might go bad, but you just buy a new one.

Let see how it goes for you this week.

AND don't forget, unlike most any other smoker, if you don't like it, regret the purchase or whatever, call them and return it within 30 days for a refund.

So what I did is use an extension cord to run it through a 20 Amp outlet in my kitchen. I came back 30 minutes later and the thing was smoking at 320 F, the inside is totally black. I stopped it and reset the temperature, it will not stay at the set temp. it keeps rising.

Trying to help here.

Can't tell from what you wrote if you have a real problem or not. You do have a problem with the GFI but let's discuss the kitchen. Kitchen should have been GFI for codes reasons, was it? That would tell me if it was and didn't trip, that it wasn't the AQ grounding out, but your outside GFI was bad.

I think you didn't leave it on long enough to allow the temps to stabilize. Think of the fact that you turn it one and the element is trying to heat to a specific temp.

What temp did you set it on?

Then as it gets to that temp it cycles off, but the element has stored energy that will keep rising.

Do a search for fluctuations and see what happens. There will be a variations in temps but it will average close to what you set.

Try this.

Put it on a non-GFI.
Keep the extension cord to HD and minimal length.

Set it to 250, load 4 chunks of wood and come back in 4 hours.

You can monitor it for temps, but let it season and don't open the door and see if the temps drop close to the 250.

It should.
Thanks for the replays. I may have not made myself clear about the problem I'm having.

I ran a new servace just for the Am-Q due to some of the problems other people have decribed in this forum about tripping breakers.

The problem I'm having is the temperature does not stay at the setting I programed it to. I'm not using the probe, just the temperature setting.

I set the temp. for 200 deg F with 3 chuncks of wood for 6 hours. The heater climbs past the 200 mark and continues to heat 350 plus or until I turn it off. No, this is not a normal temperature swing. It sounds like a relay sticking.

I removed the back and found nothing out of the ordinary.

Yes, I did try it out whan I got it on Thursday, I seasoned for 6 hours and it went in the hold mode after 6 hours. Seemed to be working fine in my book, and by the way it was on a 15 amp GFI with no problems. Ready for Saturday, no?

When the problem intially arose I cound not use the GFI because it kept tripping, this is when I had to by pass the GFI and use a conventinal outlet.

Based on my trouble shooting there is definitely a problem with the electronics, and not on my part.

I've always had bad luck with everyting I purhase. This is the reason I buy the best quality I can aford and make sure the company stands behind their product.

Louie Q ; I agree with you, if you set it to 200 and it went to 350 that is not a normal temp swing, I have an AQ and never had more than a plus/minus 15 degree temp swing. Today I would just break out a 6 pack(or 2), enjoy F day as best you can and call Tony in the morn. Good luck.

What did you find out about your AmeriQue?
Did you call CookShack?

I have a friend that is interested in buying a smoker and I would like to be able to tell him if your AmeriQue was defective or were you able to resolve it on your own.

I am not the best with digital equipment that is why I bought a SM055.


Talked to Tony, Since the relay sounds like it is clicking on and off he said it may be a normal temperature swing. I smoked some sausage yesterday for a couple of hours and it worked flawlessly. Once the temp leveled out it held within +/- 6 deg.
Will know more tomorrow when I smoke some ribs.

Either way your friend should rest easy if he is considering Ameri-Q. If it doesn't work it sure looks nice on the patio, especially next to my Lynx SS grill. Just kidding, Cookshack seems to stand behind their products and Tony is a nice guy, very patient.

I'm exited again about smoking.

Hope this helps,

Will post tomorrow after the 1st ribs are done.

Way to go Louie.. Yep, Tony is great.. as is CS. One way or another.. your problems will become non problems.

Smokers are like cars.. no matter how good reasonable quality control is.. something may sneak by..

But, I'll bet you will be just as happy tomorrow after the ribs are done.

A BIG part of the whole equation is "learning your smoker" and it may take a few stabs. I think that's why most folks suggest doing a butt first.. it's very forgiving.

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