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I recently got a few whole smoked trout (rainbows) from a deli/grocery. These had the same taste as the filets you get prepackaged. As a kid trout was the first thing I ever ate smoked, and I LOVED it! How do I do it? No flavors, just fish & smoke. The man who used to smoke the fish when I was a kid is long gone, so no way to ask him. I have a 009. Thanks
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Search is your friend (hint, hint). It can be a little intimidating for newbies, but click "find" then "advanced find" and select only the seafood forum. I put in trout, but you could substitute any words you want.

I did a search in the seafood forum (where I moved your post) and returned 134 matches.

Have a look, see if those help or if you have questions let us know.

Search in Seafood sub-forum only on "trout"

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