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Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere but I couldn't find it. What's the consensus when it comes to pulled pork for a good part of the day or over night? Pull it right when it comes out of the smoker or leave it intact until you're ready to serve? Does anybody actually pull individual servings as they're ordered? I ask because the flavor of my pork seems to start degrading a couple of hours after being pulled and I'm looking for a way to increase its longevity. My brisket doesn't seem to have this problem.

thanks for any suggestions.
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that is exactly why i keep pork cold and heat to order. longevity and flavor. when they come out of the smoker, i wrap them with foil, let them rest for a couple hours, then refridgerate. next day, i pull for that days projected use and pre portion using styro cups. then its a matter of 1 min. in a micro and dump on a bun or plate. its better than fresh cause the smoke flavor intensifies. plus, the pork is good for a week.
I have been asked to do an employee apprecation lunch at work (Costco) for about 250 people. There will be a mad rush in the begining that will take care of a good portion of these folks, but is there a way to hold it for an off and on stream of people? At my freinds bar, we do it similar to what you suggest, but at work it's a differant situation. I thought about pre cooking a day or so before, vacuum packing, cooling, and then on the day of the lunch, tinfoiling/reheating in smoker, and pulling. Idea?

sounds like you are on the right track. you may want to pull before reheating, so that all you have to do is reheat and serve. what i would do is have everything prepared, reheat first batch, then as it is being served the second batch would be warming up, and so on...those nice little racks at sams will hold a full pan of food hot for hours, with fuel cells. have fun, and enjoy..
I'm sure cofeebluff is talking about the chafer racks at Sams. they're not very pretty but functional. Sams also has the fancy chafers, full size disposable aluminum pans, and chafer fuel. You will also need a deep stainless water pan beneath the disposable or you will cook/burn the food in the disposable.
thats the word////thanks. what my wife does is she uses 2 aluminum pans for each chaffing rack kinda like a double boiler. a little water in the first one, then the pan of food placed inside.
sometimes she uses 2 half pans of different foods in one full pan. depends on the quantities. she also decks them out with table cloths to make them look really nice.
another point to consider.. reheating 'que is a delicate thing. you can surely loose all that flavor if not careful. first, i tried heating a big pan of pulled pork, then a smaller pan. both lost a lot of flavor. through trial and error, i now only heat a couple pounds at a time in a micro and then keep it warm in smoker. just be mindful.... ;'just my nickel'

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