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Came yesterday - 008 Smokette w/stand & cover. Unfortunately, our weather is rainy and yucky and I haven�t the heart to set it out and fire it up. So, I�ve memorized the cookbook, visualized every possible cut of meat and how they will fit, alphabetized my spices, aligned my utensils according to size and frequency of use, taken pictures of it and rolled it to the door of our patio to await some sunshine. Christmas in February!
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Well, what have you done lately,

Actually, I just ordered a 009 Smokette yesterday, along with some parts for a used 105 that I bought last week.

I started this whole thing with a smoke modified old refer and sawdust and a friend who took me out for Q'ed lunches many years ago.

I've been looking at commercial units for a long time but never came accross the CS commercial sizes until recently, I thought I might have to build my own.

A couple of years ago when in the Willamette Valley, I stopped and had lunch at a trailer, run by a Traeger shirt tail relation. A retired owner of a produce company, he said that this was the best job he had ever had.

The question that CS/Fast Eddy answered was why didn't someone build something other than a big steel wood burning radiator painted black and smaller than the size of my house? Well, maybe my Airstream.

So I am waiting now for it all to come, and work to get it all set up and going. Then I suppose the where question comes up also.
With your being from Arkansas, I would suggest leaving the rubber feet on the bottom of the smoker, drilling holes through the bottom of them, and attaching the smoker to the stand with the feet in-place. Even in the arid high country of Utah I have some rust developing on the feet of the smoker--and I have the full-length cover too. One of these days I'm going to do that to mine. I just hope the screws provided are long enough. If not, a quick trip to the hardware store will fix it.

BTW, I lived in North Little Rock for a few years a long time ago.
Don't let that slow you down...the best time to fire it up is 10:00pm at night. Drop that brisket or butt in...set it and forget will be done just in time for dinner the next day. I got my CS this last christmas and have not missed a weekend smoking with it yet...This being superbowl sunday, I am ready. I've got Butt from last weekend just out the freezer ready to serve and a 11lb brisket going in at about 6:00pm tonight. Don't care who wins the game as long as we have good Q and good fun with friends.

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