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I was looking for a good pastrami recipe, and after searching the forum I checked the net as well. I found this recipe that, among other things, suggests cooking to an internal temp of 1200*F. There's no easy explanation for this as the temps are also given in *C. Maybe that's why my pastrami hasn't been coming out as good as I had hoped. I was taking it off waaaaayyyy too soon.

In the future I'll just stick to the forum.
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Many of those "recipe" sites are crap, I just don't know how they stay in business, LOT of bad recipes.

Like what cut IS "beef silverside"??? And then of course BOIL the meat to finish.

Maybe you can experiment and come up with one. But there are a few good ones out there.

You did miss ONE significant line:

SMOKING Preheat the smoker to 650F (180C). Adjust the dampers to wide open.

I think they need to rethink ALL their math. The 650 would be 343 celsius. They'd been close with 180F...

Good laugh.

Now I want to find someone who TRIED this recipe. Or ask the author for photos of their first try.

In the future I'll just stick to the forum.

Your best advice.

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